19: Piece It Together, Sherlock!

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Clockwork - palaye royale

My phone buzzes for the seventh time in the passed five minutes, making me roll my eyes yet again, pausing my task of straightening my hair to decline Remington's call.
It's been roughly three weeks since he brought Tawnie over, and I refuse to talk to him. How could he bring my high school bully to my house?! And how could he just mess with me like that?!
There's not a doubt in my mind that he made me fall for him because it was apart of Tawnie's sick plan. Well I'm not going to stand for it anymore.
Ma Chérie starts blaring once more, and I groan, answering the phone.
"What?!" I hiss angrily. I hear him sigh over the line.
   "Stevie, when will you stop this sh*t?" The aggravation is clear in his voice, and I scoff.
   "Leave me alone, go have fun with your vulgar girlfriend."
  "Stop insulting Tawnie," he snaps. "I don't know what she did to you, but she's been there for me. And she's not my--"
    Once I finish hanging up, I continue to straighten my hair, ignoring the texts that continue to come in. Why, you may be asking, don't I just turn my phone off?
   Because the girls and I are going to our first event as a band. When the doorbell rings, I turn my straightener off, considering I'm finished, and quickly finish my eyeliner. After I'm done, I skip down to the door, my exposed shoulders cold due to the fact that my tight fitted black crop top doesn't cover them.
   "Hey guys, come on i--" I pause my action of swinging the door open when I realize who's on the other side of it. Remington rubs his eyes a bit, tired looking. He immediately stands up and walks towards me upon noticing the door opened.
  "Stevie, I--" he starts, but I interrupt him.
  "Go away," I bluntly tell him, and I start to close the door. His hand grabs the frame, his ringed hand shoving the door open, but he doesn't enter. Well at least he's being somewhat courteous.
   I huff, turning around and shoving the door closed with my back, and I almost succeed, however he puts his foot out and wedges it between the door and it's frame. Letting out a string of cuss words, I stop pushing and say, "didn't you hear me? F*cking leave!"
   "What did I even do!" He shouts, his voice almost desperate. I falter  does he really not know?
   "Are you serious?" I scoff.
   "Yes!" He says, struggling to keep his cool. I kick his foot, slamming the door shut once it's out of the way and locking it.
   "Piece it together, Sherlock!"
As I run up the stairs, I hear him groan and drop his head onto my front door.


"Hey, mamas!" Drea calls, the other two girls whooping in agreement. I skip down the stairs to meet them, and they wolf whistle at me.
   "No shorts and fishnets?" Vienna teases, and I stick my tongue out at her, showing her that beneath my ripped black skinny jeans, my signature fishnets were still there. She groans and shoves me playfully.
   I'm wearing a shoulderless black tight fitting crop top, and my belly button piercing is on display, before my low ride skinny jeans are reached, a thick black studded belt at my hips. Underneath those are my black fishnets, all paired with some high heeled black combat boots. I slip on my bright red Ralph Lauren military jacket, as well as some small black studs to my ears.
   My makeup is pretty natural, though I do have some eyeliner on, it's not as thick as normal. I took out my nose stud since I didn't want to seem too punk rock.
   Drea has her long hair in a waterfall braid, though her bangs frame her face, and she has her smokey black eyeshadow with matching cat eye eyeliner on, her lips bare as usual. Her stud is still in, and she's wearing black leather overall shorts, and black booties on her feet. Her shirt is an off-shoulder grey long sleeve, and a small heart pendant resting at her collar bone level.
   Reina has her wavy hair parted down the middle like normal, and she did her makeup starting with a gold smokey eye, her lips a deep burgundy. She's wearing a gold crop top with spaghetti straps, as well as burgundy pants, her shoes are gold strappy heels. She wears the gold chain with her grandmother's gold wedding band like she always does. She was super close with her Grandma Sophie, so when she died, she was left with all of her grandma's fortune and items. She wears the ring because it makes her feel closer to her.
Vienna is wearing her hair up in a ponytail, straightened to perfection. Her lips are a beautiful reddish magneta shade, and she has a nude smokey eye, as well as thin ring of eyeliner around her big eyes. She's wearing some black and white striped pants, paired with a reddish magneta long sleeved cropped top, her shoes black wedges.
"You guys look great," a familiar voice remarks, and my jaw clenches. I turn to face Remington, who's smiling cheekily at me.
   "Why are you in my house?" I seethe, my hands on my hips, my lips forming a thin line.
   "They let me in," he remarks, his hands up in surrender. I shoot a glare at the three culprits, who don't meet my gaze as they giggle away.
"We'll go away," I answer coldly, crossing my arms while leaning on my right leg.
"Come on, just hear him out already, the poor boy's been pushing himself half to death to try and just have a conversation with you," Vienna laughs out. Part of me feels pity, but the other part of me wants to hate him for telling me he was was falling in love with me and bringing my childhood bully to my house the next day, being all over each other.
"Let's go guys, we'll be late," I say, ignoring Vienna's statement and walking out of my house.
They all soon follow, including Remington, so I lock up my house and turn to see Vienna's car. "What the he'll guys," I groan when I see it. They look confused. "That car," I point to the cherry red beauty, "only fits two people, three if you squeeze in or hide in the trunk. You know o leant the jeep to Greyson so he could take the kids early." They look at each other.
"I call shotgun!" The three of them shout in unison, and I drop my jaw. They planned this, the jerks.
"Bye, Stevie!" They giggle, rushing to the car and Drea sits on Reina's lap so they can all fit. They then drive away.
"Well, let's get going, princess," Remington whistles, swinging his keys around his finger, a confident glow to him. I clench my jaw.
Of course, he brought his motorcycle.
  I laugh nervously. "Um, no."
    Remington groans, and turn around to give me an impassive look. "Really, you can't even accept a ride to an event you can't afford to be late for?"
   "Um no, that's not a now problem," I laugh nervously once more. "That," I point to his bike, "Is the now problem."

I wanted to celebrate getting to 3k today, so I decided to update early.

The winner for the ship contest was...

Stevie and Remington!!!!
Enjoy the early update! Bye!

Stevie and Remington!!!!Enjoy the early update! Bye!

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