10: Ya Missed, Foo!

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Cemeteries No. 2 (dreams of leisel) -Palaye Royale

I open my door tiredly, leaning my head on my doorframe, too sleepy to care that my hair is wilder than normal due to its bedhead state, the only thing semi helping in waking me being the chilled air brushing against my thighs and arms. I shiver.
......you can..." I mumble through a yawn at Remington, who snickers at me, while I point to my couch. He nods, and takes off his leather jacket before sliding it on me. I swear, I've worn this thing more than he has this week, not that I'm complaining.
   "You need it more than I do right now," he murmurs with a smirk in my ear, making me shiver. This boy, I swear. I nod and stumble up the stairs, yawning while waking up the band, who'd stayed over yesterday. After that my zombie self goes to put on fresh clothes: my signature fishnets with some red double breasted high waisted shorts, and I pair them with my black lace up booty heels. I also put on my tight black spaghetti strap crop top before I decide to straighten my wild crimson waves. After that, I sleepily but carefully put on thick cat eyeliner, which adds almost a chartreuse tint to my already green eyes.
   With that I throw Remington's jacket over my shoulder and head downstairs, where everyone is waiting. The animated conversing continues as I enter, and I see my extremely comfy couch and head for it. Sadly, Vienna interferes.
   "-nd I was like oh --nonono honey." She chides, stepping in my way and putting her arms in front of me. I glare at her, making her laugh nervously.
    "I'll carry you if you want, hon," Reina offers in order to keep me from killing our best friend. "Drea, would you take her guitar?" The blonde girl nods. I hold out my arms so Rein can pick me up, and right as she's about to I'm swooped up by someone extremely tall, seeing as though my body is now level with Reina and Vienna's heads, meaning it's Remington. Drea, who's been observing the situation, laughs. Since I'm too tired to even care, I just wrap my arms around Rem's neck and snuggle into the crook of it. His warmth spreads around me, and I feel him chuckle. With that we walk out of the house and towards the car.
   A chilling thought hits me, and I lift my head. "Wait." Everyone stops moving. "Who's watching the monsters?" I mumble quietly, and Reina smiles.
   "Greyson's coming in about fifteen minutes to watch your siblings." I nod before returning to the crook of Remington's neck, mumbling a small, "proceed."
    Remington lets out a small chuckle. "Yes, m'lady," he responds, and I can practically hear his smirk.
    I'm assuming we've reached the car, because I'm gently placed down in a seat, and I feel Remington buckle me in. That, and I hear the buckle's click. Warmth spreads over my body, and leather. That's definitely leather. Remington probably covered me with his jacket.
    With that, the car doors slam and soon the ignition is animated, roaring and free.


   "Alright, princess, time to get up."
   "Darling," his voice sounds more like a warning.
    "No," I force out, springing my hand out and pushing him away. Sleepy time.
    "Let us try," Reina and Vienna state, and I jolt a bit. Uh oh.
     I'm yanked out of the car and I stumble up, all while my two best friends scream in my ears, "WAKE UP!"
    "I'M UP! BUT YOU GET TO EXPLAIN TO ALICE WHY I'M NOW DEAF!" I shout back, shoving them off me to attend to my poor baby ears.
    Reina tenses and points to Vienna. "She did it." We all look at her incredulously, before bursting into laughter.
  A tattooed hand passes me a leather jacket I dropped and says, "I tried it politely, and I thought they'd do the same." I snort at Remington. 
    "They don't do polite. Or gentle. Or kind."
    "Excuse you! I heard that," Reina says loudly, and I shush her.
    "Well, anyways, are you ready ladies?" I suddenly have a thought I should've asked yesterday.
    "Where'd you take us?" Remington smiles and points at a sign, and I almost die. SUMERIAN RECORDS is what it reads. Drea hands me my guitar and I smile gratefully at her. We've learned a lot about Drea Darling over the course of the night, including the fact that she's got a great sense of humor and is exactly like me personality wise: sarcasm rules her life. She's also the sweetest angel in heaven, always smiling unless she's around new people. Music and helping animals are her passions, as is sleeping. In fact, I just about had to raise hell to wake her up this morning. But we get along, which is important, and I can see her and I becoming as close as I am with Reina and Vienna.
We head in--mostly due to Remington gently guiding me in cause I couldn't will my feet to go in on their own-- and Remi takes my hand and leads the way to a room at the end of a hall. He opens the door to reveal a recording room, as well as two men in suits.
"Nick, Ash, this is the group I've been telling you about," Remington says as the men stand and greet him. "Girls, this is Ash Avildsen and Nick Walters who work for the Sumerian Records company." I shake their outstretched hands and smile, while internally I have a freak out moment.
"Stevie? Is that you?" Someone says as they come out of the music room, and I glance up to see Sebastian. "And Reina too? Vienna! What're you all up to?"
"Hey, Sebastian, is great to see you," I respond sweetly. I haven't forgotten the morning he made breakfast for my siblings.
   "Well ladies," Nick cuts in, still being polite though, "Remington put a good word in for you, so we know you must be good. We'd like to hear you guys play something."  We all look at each other and think. Playing music together is what we're best at, but this is kind of stressful and a big deal.
   "Serenade of Sorrow?" I ask, and the girls smile knowingly. It's an original song that we managed to finish last night once I'd taught Drea the melodic lines, and we're pretty damn proud of it. (A/N: this is my original piece, please don't touch it or use it in any way.)
    We head into the music room and set up, and I pull out my beautiful baby, which I hear Sebastian immediately start to comment on. I quickly tune, before I count off. Reina immediately starts the bass line, the opening of the song. I then jump in with Drea on the guitar parts, and I bite my lip to hold in my smile. It all just fits so nicely. Finally, it's time for me to start singing, and the music drops out for a second (A/N: I. Am. For. Serious. Don't touch it.)

   Have you ever heard of the tale
  Where the wretched child will prevail
   Her life was started by the devil's favorite tune
From hell's fire does her wishes come true
And everyone around her tells her
That she's worse than cancer
But who would've thought
That her life wasn't who she was

   The music moves to a nice climax, and I sing my heart out:

   'Cause the water is poisoned
And the air's full of toxic blight
She's the only one who knows,
The one who now goes by the reaper
'Cause the oceans are tainted!
And the people will sing their goodbyes!
And she's the only one who'll show
Who'll show to the last blue sunrise.

   The song continues and Drea does the harmonies, and I can't help but feel like this is what we're meant to be. We're meant to do this, be this.
   Before I know it, the song ends, and I'm breathless. The girls and I high five and Vienna immediately starts talking. And talking. And talking.
    "Love put a plug in the nervous babble," I laugh breathlessly, looking at her, and Vienna sticks out her tongue. I duck as the drumsticks hurtles towards my head and hits the floor, and I jump up and cheer, "ya missed, foo!"

 I duck as the drumsticks hurtles towards my head and hits the floor, and I jump up and cheer, "ya missed, foo!"

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Weird place to end but oh well

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