27: I'm Sorry, I Love You, and Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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Pretty Face- Public

    "Stevie, you should hear Remington out, he's not that bad of a guy," Rylie tells me while I make dinner. I invited Catastrophe, Ciel de Juillet, and Scarlet over for dinner today, as well as the Biersack family so we could just have a fun night. Unfortunately, Vienna invited Palaye as well.
"Says the one who hated him like last week, and I can't believe you told him about your fiancé before you told me considering you hated his guts," I say grumpily, continuing to stir the red velvet cake batter. What? It's not everyday that I have people in my house that don't live here or practice here.
Rylie sighs. "I only told him so he'd get off my case and stop accusing me of trying to steal you away from him." I stick my tongue out at him, and he raises an eyebrow at me playfully. "C'mon, little one, you know I would've preferred to tell you first," he says, messing up my hair. I complain, swatting at his hand to get him to stop, and he chuckles at me. "But seriously, hear him out. He's scared sh*tless about hurting you, but he's even more terrified about losing you. "
Reina and Vienna barge in, knocking unnecessary, with Greyson in tow before I say anything in response.
"Hey guys, hey Grey," I greet, and they all him in response. Grey is a tall guy with the same dark brown hair as Reina, same hazel green eyes, the biggest difference between the two is the good foot he's got on her. Where Reina is taller than me by two inches, so I literally have to look all the way up to see his face.
Grey gets tackled by two little girls, and he grunts in surprise as he goes down. He lets out another groan of pain when Auggie runs in after them and drops like a rock onto him. I giggle while Rylie smirks, and Reina and Vienna shove the boys and children out of the kitchen. I personally know that all of them suck at cooking, as does Vienna, but Reina and I let her help by letting her get the spices and food we need from around while we talk.
"You're not still upset about me inviting Palaye, right? Because I only invited them so I could hang out with Emerson more and--"
"WHAT?!" Reina and I screech, the lasagna and cake forgotten as we hear our friend's babble. She turns cherry red.
"W-Well, um," she starts, but is interrupted by Juliet Simms walking in. I squeal, and rush to hug her. We've grown pretty close over the passed few months, talking or walking around the mall while the kids hang out.
"Hey! I'm here to help," Juliet offers, and Reina puts her on the Spinach Lasagna duty so she can start on the salad. We all talk about music mostly, occasionally talking about the kids as we cook. Andy eventually comes in to help as well, which we gladly accept once Juliet assured us that he knows how to use a stove.
Soon though, almost everyone is here, and so we turn off the stove to go and socialize. I see Scarlet and grin at her, though it drops when her brother comes stalking in grumpily, though smirking and winking at me once he's seen me. I glare at him and turn away, though I do see the not-so-subtle once over he gives me that causes him to bite his lip. A shiver of revulsion passes through me, and my first thought is, I've already been assaulted twice, let's not have a third time be a charm.
   We all gather around the table to set up, and I frown, noticing Drea isn't here. Maybe something came up? I try not to get too upset about it, focusing on the people at hand, however when Robyn and Crown the Empire walk in, my stomach drops. Something is wrong. I walk up to Robyn, him meeting me halfway.
"Have you seen Drea?" We both ask at the same time. That's when we know something is wrong.


"What do you mean she didn't go to work today?!" Robyn bursts angrily, and we all wait silently for the conversation to halt. Once we'd realized she wasn't where she'd said she'd be, both Rob and I had mini freak outs, catching the attention of the rest of the guests. I know, real smooth.
We ate quickly, not bothering to try small talk when our friend was in our minds, and we've all been anxiously waiting. Robyn hangs up aggressively. "That's it, I'm going out to look for her," he declares, worrying for his sister strongly. All of his band volunteers to help, along with Steph and Seb, and Emerson and Vienna.
I pace worriedly, and Rylie sighs, watching me. Remington walks over to me, nervously. "I know it's kind of awful timing, but I think we need to talk." I sigh, nodding, needing a break from avoiding him and stressing about Drea.
Remington leads me to the sound proof music room, so I start preparing for the worst. However,
When he turns around and says the next few words, my jaw literally drops.
"I'm tired of fighting with you, and tired of being too big of a wuss to do anything, so I'm just going to say this: I'm sorry, I love you, and will you be my girlfriend?" I'm silent for a good two minutes, Remington staring at me nervously, before I shut my mouth, pat his head, and walk out of the room. I start to walk down the stairs, but I nearly fall when I realize what I just did. Stevie, are you autistic?!
I scramble back up the steps frantically, and burst back into the music room to see that Remington hasn't moved, shock still evident on his face. I don't move away from the door way.
"Did I just pat your head?"
"Did you just pat my head?"
We stare at each other for a good minute before busting out in laughter, and I slowly walk to him.
"Let me try again," I quoth, and wrap my arms around his neck whilst he smirks down at me. I stand on my toes and pull him down by his neck to meet me the rest of the way, and I crash our lips together. Moving in sync, I let my eyelids flutter shut while Rem's hands move to grip onto my waist. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, making me kiss him eagerly, to which he laughs at.
"So I take that as a yes," he ways breathlessly, lips swollen once we've parted.
"No," I whisper, catching my breath. Remington freezes.
"No?" He asks, dumbfounded and hurt, and I laugh.
"No, it's not a yes. It's a definitely."
Since the door is open, I hear my front door get slammed rather violently, and Remington and I share a look before rushing downstairs. Drea Darling stands there in all her glory, her face streaked with mascara, her hair a mess.
"Oh my god," I say, and rush to her, and she collapses into my arms, sobbing.
"Who's this, little love?" Tom asks, and for once, I don't get annoyed, because there's a more important issue at hand.
"This is the girl we've been worried about."

Wow, you guys got the votes in one day XD lets go for 10 votes in 3 days for an early update :) by lovelies!

Wow, you guys got the votes in one day XD lets go for 10 votes in 3 days for an early update :) by lovelies!

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