14: Turtlenecks and Bulky Sweats

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Die For Something Beautiful - Palaye Royale

I go downstairs once I've finished to see everyone talking worriedly, Remington's pacing, and I see little Clara sniffling while Auggie is hugging her

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I go downstairs once I've finished to see everyone talking worriedly, Remington's pacing, and I see little Clara sniffling while Auggie is hugging her. Alice must still be sleeping. "What's going on?" I ask causally, hopping off the bottom step and skipping into the kitchen. Everyone had gone silent and watched me making my way into the room that holds the key to heaven.
I grab my cranberry-orange juice mix-- which I like to call Crorange juice--- and a fig bar, skipping out of the kitchen and to the couch, powering the TV on and playing Firely. The room is still silent, everyone staring at me while I sip on my juice, admiring captain tight pants. You'll only get it if you've seen this amazing show okay?
Suddenly Clara bursts into tears, and I'm immediately alert, sitting up while swallowing my juice and putting it down, ready to wrap my arms around the crying child when she reaches me. She tucks her legs up onto the couch next to her and buried her head in the crook of my neck.
"I-I thought y-you were gone evie," the little girl sobs out into my hair as I rub her back soothingly.
"What do you mean, babe?" I ask her with my brows furrowed, trying to figure out the cause of her tears.
"When we all woke up and you weren't there, we got up and looked for you. We couldn't find you and got worried," Drea speaks quietly.
"I was just in the studio," I respond, not seeing the big deal about being cooped up with my guitar in my own home, and Reina sighs.
"But we wouldn't know that, the room is always locked unless we're using it." I can see why they were worried I guess.
Remington finally sits down, his hands in a knot over his lips while his right knee bounces heavily, and I remember his anxiety. I stand up and walk over to the sofa he's on, sitting next to him and hugging him tightly, burying my face into his side. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." My voice comes out muffled and adolescent-ish, like a child feeling guilty. Basically Auggie when he steals my nutella.
Rem sighs, turning his torso to big me fully, forcing my head to move from his side to his chest. His arms wrap around me, giving me the radiation of his body heat. He tightens our hug and mutters in my hair, "I'm going to be an old man by 2017 with you."


I've just finished setting up the backyard for the party and am currently setting up my living room, placing the pasta and other dishes I made on the dinning room table prior to this. Placing the sodas on the glass coffee table along with the popcorn, I set up some blankets as well. The heater broke this morning and the AC has been blowing nonstop, causing my house to rest at a bitter 56 degrees. I texted everyone to dress warm.

To celebrate our signing as well as New Years, I decided to throw a little gathering tonight. I invited Palaye, the girls, Robyn Darling and his band, and a few kids the triplets wanted to invite. I was surprised to hear that they only wanted to invite two kids, but then again I'm not. When you've got two other built in best friends, you don't really need much else. They chose to invite two kids named Everette and Zeppelin, whom I've met before. Lovely kids, and I told them to invite their parents as well. (This ties into Rebel Love Song and NOT In The End, due to the fact that Remington is a character in ITE. spoiler alert XD. But in the first book I still imagine the twins being born, just not with the same father. carry on reading I guess lmao)
The doorbell rings, snapping me out of my haze, making me rush to get it. Three girls come barreling in, squealing excitedly. "Oh no," I groan. "They got to you too?" I cry at Drea while pointing to Reina and Vienna. She giggles.
"What can I say?" She sighs happily while throwing herself onto the couch as we all sit. "We got signed. And we haven't even been a full band for more than a week!" It seems as though smiles are contagious, cause a bring spreads onto my face at this while I tuck my knees up to my chest.
"Hey Evie," Vienna starts cautiously, and my smile fades. They only talk like that with one topic. "You sure you good?"
"No," I start quietly, pursing my lips while I give them a shy smile. "But I guess I have to be at some point. I can't just decide to hide from men and wear turtlenecks and bulky sweats my entire life watching Harry Potter and scarfing down Nutella. I've got to move on or I'll drive myself mad." It's silent for a second. "Besides, I've got music and you guys to help me," I add to break the quiet.
   The girls awe and attack me with hugs, making me laugh. "Still though, it's okay to have a recovery time that's higher than two days. All I'm saying is take it slow," Drea responds. I nod, since that's a fair thing to ask.
We all heave ourselves up and continue to set up, adding last minute touches. Reina found some little headbands with "Happy New Years!" Attached to the tops in different colors that she'd found at the dollar tree, and colored beads. Vienna picked up some small plastic champagne cups and the apple cider, not getting the actual champagne due to the fact that my mother has her stock of it.
The doorbell rings, and Drea opens it to let the Palaye family in. Steph beams at us, quickly coming in and giving us all hugs. "Thank you so much for the invite!" She says, quickly giving the triplets hugs as well.
I'm about to respond when Remington walks in, making my smile fade a bit. Once everyone left and I was alone, I realized that he pitied me, and that was the only reason why he kept talking to me. He felt bad that he forgot me, and so he felt like he had to make it up, hence the record deal. And then, I got...
Well, I got raped.
And then he felt even worse.
I don't need a pity friend. Hell, I was doing fine with just my two best friends--well, three. Drea Darling is apart of the band, the friendship now. I don't need anyone else, especially if I'm being a burden.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts when he comes towards me and starts to lean in for a hug. I panic, quickly shaking his hand and moving onto Sebastian, who is entering behind him. I quickly give Remington's brothers side hugs, before beelining for the kitchen. Thankfully, Alice started complaining she was hungry, so I was able to excuse myself without coming off as rude.
Unfortunately, Remington started to follow.
I quickly spin around and put my hands up, "N-no, that's okay, I've got it."
"It's fine, I want to help," he says with a smile, though his brows start to furrow with confusion. I start to get annoyed, though I know he's only trying to help. I grit my teeth, ignoring the glances Vienna's tossing at me as she leads everyone out back.
"Fine," I breathe out with a fake smile plastered on my face. I quickly turn back around and continue my way to the kitchen.
Like me, my siblings are vegetarian, so I quickly pull out the spinach lasagna that Drea had dropped off for me last night and heat it up. Remington taps me on the shoulder, and I have to hold in my annoyed sigh. I hate being pitied.
I turn to see him silently offering me a small, empty plate, his face looking confused still, though his smile has dropped.
I silently take it from him, though he grabs my wrist. "Did I do something?" He asks me.
"No," I answer curtly, quickly retrieving the food from the microwave and putting it on the plate. Unfortunately, it's scalding hot, and I burn my left hand.
"Fluffing frickle frek!" I yelp, quickly dropping the lasagna on the plate and tossing the container into the sink. I shake my hand a bit before covering it with a towel, turning to retrieve a fork from the drawer behind Remington, but he insists on trying to mollycoddle me.
"Let me look at it."
"No, it's fine, i just need to get the fork--"
"It's fine, I don't mind taking a look--"
"I don't need a--"
"Stevie, you could have seriously burned---"
"I SAID IT'S FINE," I shout, ripping my hand away. Silence fills the kitchen. My heavy respiration fills the air. "Look, I don't need your pity offers and I can handle myself so," I pause to calm down a bit more, and I finally meet his gaze.
His eyes are hurt, as well as a bit angry. "so stop acting...like ....you genuinely...care." I trail off as he seems to get angrier, his shoulders tensing.
He harshly grabs my hand, making me flinch, and he drags me to the sink, turning the faucet to freezing and sticking my palm under the water harshly. He then leaves my side to stomp his way to the fridge, grab an ice pack and wrap it in a towel before he makes his way back to my side, roughly grabbing my stinging hand once more---making me hiss at the sting-- and shoving the cool pack into my hand. With a final glare, he shoves past me and exits the kitchen, leaving me feeling guilty.
I take a few moments to just think. I think about Remington, how he's been acting towards me, how kind and caring he's been, how I might've just royally screwed up with our relationship, whatever it even is.
Alice complains again, making me groan and carefully grab her plate with my free hand, taking it out to her. As I go outside, I immediately look for Remington, and spot him over by the champagne, draining glass after glass. I cringe, knowing that I won't be confronting him as long as he stands by the alcohol. And it seems that he knows this too, based off of the way he glances at me and smirks, slightly tipping his glass towards me as if to say 'cheers' before he downs it.
I sigh, placing the plate in front of Alice, who's sitting at the small patio table next to me, before heading inside. As I enter, the doorbell rings, and I rush to get it.
"Hi, thanks for comi--" I pause as I see two of my idols standing in front of me, smiling kindly.
"U-um for coming, I m-must thank you--no wait, that's wrong-- what I mean was--" I stop and take a deep breath. "Not to be rude, but why are you here?"
Andy Biersack and Juliet Simms laugh lightly, looking slightly confused.
"Hi, um, I'm sorry do we have the wrong address? Our kids got invited to a New Years party and the invite was extended to us, could you point us in the right dire--"
"You're Everette and Zeppelin's parents?" I ask, shocked. They nod.
"Um, wow--I mean hi-- I mean --" I fuss, but suddenly Zeppelin and Everette come running in past their parents, crashing into me.
"STEVIE!" They shout, and immediately start to talk to me at once. I laugh, kneeling down to reach their level.
"Hey, little rascals! It's great to see you!" I hug them. They hug back with a stronger force, and I laugh while trying not topple over. Once they release me, I tell them, "Auggie and the girls are out back, why don't you go say hi?"
"Okay!" Zeppelin shouts and races his sister out back, and I stand quickly, turning to my idols once more.
"Sorry for my Yoda moment, you guys are kind of up in my top ten favorite artists," I laugh out sheepishly.
"Oh that's okay, we're just glad to finally meet you!" Juliet exclaims, and I can't help but slightly melt at her beauty. If there's anyone I'd be lesbian for, it'd be this woman. Sorry, not weird at all.
"I'm sorry! Come in!" I move aside and they enter my home, but I see the only person who could possibly surprise me more.
I immediately close and lock the door behind them, leading them out back without rushing them. I beeline for Reina, grabbing her arm and mutter in her ear, "I need you to be prepared to call the police. Stand right at the door and call them if anything goes wrong." She starts to question me, but I ignore it, leading her towards the door and handing her my phone, right before I open and slam the door behind me, leaving me with my heart racing and the night sky surrounding me.
I remain facing the doors for a moment to calm myself, letting my posture get rigid and my face emotionless before I face her.
"What are you doing here, Mother?"

Hi guys! I know I've missed a few updates, but midterms are done so I'm back on the update schedule! Bye!

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Hi guys! I know I've missed a few updates, but midterms are done so I'm back on the update schedule! Bye!

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