Chapter 23

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The plate smashes on to the floor and a loud gasp is heard, I quickly fling from harry, tears at the brim of my eyes as I walked up and down frantically.

Anne. Harry's mother just came in and saw us kissing.

She gasps again looking up and down at Harry and then to me, her mouth constantly moving but no words coming out.

"Mum" Harry starts but she raises her hands up to silence him.

"I don't want to hear it" she seethes, she looks between us again like we're some sort of animals and she closes her eyes shut.

"I should've asked you before, I knew it" she laughs tears leaving her eyes.

"Knew what" Harry barely whispers and she smiles but it looks painful.

"I knew something dodgy was going on between you two, with all the constant touching and smiling at each other" she whisper shout. "How could this happen! I should've stopped it as soon as I sensed it"

"You've only known Ella for two days and you're own son after four years don't you dare try acting protective, it has nothing to do with you"

"She's underage! You're classified a paedophile" Anne sobs and harry moves his head like the words physically attack him.

"You don't have the right to come here and suddenly be a mum"

"I don't care how long you haven't seen me, you don't have the right to cheat on your wife with a child!"

That's it, I wasn't listening to her bullshit any longer.

"With all due respect Miss Styles, you don't have a clue about what Harry's been through this year or so and certainly don't get to judge someone's ability to love, he may be my teacher but I love him" I say and she gasps.

Without another word she leaves the room and harry and I stare between each other.

"Fuck" he scratches his hair looking around for what I assume is alcohol. Harry looked like he was loosing it, I wanted to scream and cry but I had to hold myself together.

"God harry" I shake his arms and he refuses to look at me. "We always knew this'd happen" I console him and he shakes his head.

"It wasn't supposed to end. Not like this, I'm not losing you" he wraps me in his chest and I stay in him. I grab ahold of him tightly after all, he was all I'd have if Anne spilled the beans.

Everyone was sat in the garden, they were drinking wine while Harry and my father smoked a few cigarettes, I didn't know harry was the occasional smoker.

Anne pierced her eyes into her son and myself, I felt like god was judging me just through the look on her face.

I was on my seat, on the edge all night waiting for her to tell everyone how filthy we was. But she never did.

She stared at me like a hawk, gave me death stares and indirectly spoke of me even, but she never once mentioned what she saw. And this scared me.

It was late, about one in the morning and Chloe had long gone, she went to bed after her little argument with harry. The elder people in the room were part wasted, me and harry were cautious with every glimpse we got of each other, I wish I could just stand up, go over to him and kiss him to death.

"I'm just getting some water" I announce but everyone was too loud to hear me so I go through to the kitchen.

The water was a little warm first so I let the water run before pouring my glass.

"Ice makes it colder" a voice says behind me and I jump slightly, Anne was standing behind me and I felt my stomach turn, I didn't know how to act around her without harry, especially now.

I sip my water and she watches my every move.

"Why my son?" She asks and I stop for a moment.


"Are you even happy with him" she asks and ignore it, maybe she was too drunk at this point.

As I try to walk away she grabs my arm, "please, help me understand" she pleads and I sit back on the counter with Anne opposite me.

"He's a paedophile" she cries and I frown.

"I'm not here to bad mouth harry"

"Do you really love each other, and I mean love"

"Yes" I simply answer.

"Why?" She looks confused.

"Well he makes me happy, he makes me feel loved and he makes me laugh"

"But he's married, he's with someone he loves, maybe this is harry just filling his fantasies"

"We've been together for some time now, and I hate to break it to you miss styles but harry and Chloe haven't been working out at all, the marriage is practically over"

"I always knew they wouldn't last" she rubs her temple and I sit there feeling awkward.

"I'm sorry" Anne breathes letting out a long breath, she looked tired, sad yet.. relieved. "I'm not as drunk as you think I am" she laughs. "I should've never shouted at the two of you like that and as much as it hurts to say, I've never seen Harry as happy in his entire life, and that's because of you. So if you make my son happy then I give you my blessing"

"I give you my blessing" her words repeat a thousand times in my head and before I know it I've shot off the counter and leapt into a hug.

"I-I thought you were mad"

"Oh, I was being an idiot. I never realised how much you'd done for him- for me, I'd have never seen him if it wasn't for you" she kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry the situation is like this" I frown and she chuckles.

"Darling, you can't help who you love, even if it is your teacher" she whispers and I giggle.

"Anyways, I saw how the two of you were cuddling during dirty dancing"

"What" I blush and she chuckles.

"That's right, I wasn't asleep, I heard the two of you the entire way, and it was adorable" she smiles fondly and my heart lurches, if only my parents would see it this way, shit that reminds me.

"Please don't tell my parents about us, I'd like to tell them once we're both comfortable"

"And when is that? Without sounding nosey but do you see a future with you and my son"

"Yes" I nod. "But I haven't figured it out" I laugh with nervousness and she smiles sweetly.

"Your secret is safe with me" she says promisingly.

"Just stay safe and don't hurt each other" she pulls me into a hug and I nod.

The garden door creaks open and harry walk in with confusion on his face.

"What's going on here" he asks carefully and Anne and I laugh.

"I've given you my blessing son, I've seen how happy she makes you and that's all I want, your happiness" harry smiles, his lip uncontrollable as he keeps on biting it and then smiling.

"I love you" he says and Anne smiles.

"Me or your girlfriend" Anne raises her brows comically.

"Both" he smiles.

Harry on the graham norton show was everything, he looked so confident, happy and healthy.

Harry Styles aka loml <3

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