Chapter 5

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All week I avoided Harry at school, it was hard since I had sociology with him but I managed to do it.

And only for this week I missed tutoring because I convinced mother that I was too ill.

A part of me was begging to tell her what Harry and I done but there are so many reasons I shouldn't. Firstly, being the girl means everything will automatically be my fault, it wouldn't matter that Harry started it off it would all come down to me, secondly mother and father never listen to anything I have to say, they look at themselves as optimist, and finally what if no one believes me. I'd sound like a crazy women.

I sighed as it was Monday but thankfully it was the last lesson, sociology yuck.

I couldn't wait to go home and sleep in my warm bed I thought as I waked into class with Jenny.

"You're late" mr styles growls as we walk into lesson just a minute later than everyone else.

"I'm sorry I'm late, but it's only a minute" I mutter and take a seat.

He turns from the whiteboard and his face fumes with anger.

"Excuse me? Repeat your apology"

"I'm sorry I'm late but it's only a minute" I sigh and everyone in the class starts to giggle and murmur things.

"She means we're sorry mr styles" Jenny butts in and he sticks a finger to silence her.

"I've apologised already" I shrug and he laughs.

"So, tell me why was Althusser's theory criticised"

"B-because well," I stutter nervously, how on earth am I mean to know.

"Go on" he snaps and I feel myself redden as all eyes watch and wait for me to answer.

"Well, I don't know" I look down and he laughs maliciously.

"Of course you wouldn't, it's no wonder you need tutoring. Also this is a minutes worth of education you missed"

"You could not teach that in a minute" I counter argue, he does not get to embarrass me like this. How could he tell everyone I needed tutoring.

"Don't get smart with me young lady" he seethes


"Get out of the classroom" he says chillingly and I roll my eyes.

"Get out now!" He roars and I feel myself shiver, everyone laughs at me and I run out of his class.

He's quick to storm out and he shouts my name as I run down the hallway.

"Get back here now Ella!" I hear his voice boom.

"Just leave me alone you creep!" I cry and run to the fifth corridor in the corner where no one goes.

I sit on the stairs and my tears stream down my face.

My stupid horrible teacher. All of last week he's had it in for me and now he's embarrassed me.

I wasn't the one who had to come to a sixteen year old for pleasure.

How could I be so disgusting. How could I let him touch me. This is all my fault. My fault for being naive, my fault for looking at him my fault for everything.

I wait an whole hour before deciding to bunk form, I've never had to but because of him.

When I hear the corridors getting busy I know that everyone's been dismissed, I run out of school as fast as I can.

As soon as I get home I shut the door behind me and sob heavily.

I'm glad my parents work for the entirety of the day, sometimes I missed them but I did like the privacy.

I head up to my room and change into my pyjamas, I tie my hair into a messy bun and almost puke at the way I look.

My eyes are extremely red and puffy, my cheeks are tinged with red and overall I look like a heroine addict.

I grab my tablet and tuck into bed, I start up an episode of scream queens and get comfortable.

After an hour or so I hear knocking on the door.

Mother must've came early, I run to the door and check the peephole, my head spins at the at the sight of him.


I quickly hide away and crouch beneath the door.

"I know you're there baby girl, open up for daddy" he chuckles and I don't know if I should laugh or cry at his pathetic words.

I stay silent and he knocks again.

"Cmon daddy's missed you" he says and i roll my eyes.

He knocks again and this time louder.

"Baby girl, daddy's getting cold, open it now" he commands and I slowly get up.

I silently pray he doesn't hear as I double lock the door and push the key chain.

"Open this fucking door" he starts to violently knock and I cover my ears.

"Leave me alone! Stop following me you absolute creep" I scream and his knocks get louder and louder until they suddenly stop.

I breathe in and out in contentment.


This is Harry.

I run upstairs and lock all the room windows and doors, I then do the same to the back door and sit on my sofa silently.

My nerves prick at any sound I here.

Slowly it starts to get late and I feel myself falling to sleep.

I close my eyes and lay on the sofa as I slowly drift off.

Mr Styles: COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now