"Draco." His mother started off. "Are you really going to finish a project or are you going to meet Blaise?"

"Excuse me?" Draco asked softly.

"You're being incredibly fidgety. I get it Draco, your hormones are all over the place." She told him. "Are you going to meet Blaise?"

"Yes." He admitted and Narcissa smiled.

"I don't want you to think you need to hide things from me. I understand what's going on and regardless of your age, you're still going through it. You can talk to me about anything." She told him and he started to get choked up. The damn emotions were all over the place. "I just want you to be safe."

"We will be." He told her. "And thank you. I'll tell you from now on what I need." He told her as they pulled up to the school. "I love you."

"And I love you." She kissed his head and he opened the door. He got out and walked into the school. Much to his happiness, Blaise was waiting on the stairs for him.

"Hiya honeybee." Blaise stood up and greeted him with a kiss. "You look sexy like that." He whispered and Draco groaned leaning into his boyfriend.

"Please don't test me." He told him. "Is there um... is there anywhere we can be alone?"

"We have our old hideout remember?" He questioned. Draco did remember. When he and Blaise first started to talk before they dated, they would go to this little secluded room near the band hallway. They just went there to talk and never went farther than cuddling a bit but now times were different.

"Of course." He told Blaise. Blaise grinned and grabbed his hand.

Since it was early, not many people were there. They made it to their destination and Blaise looked around before pulling Draco inside.

It was bigger than a normal sized closet but smaller than an actual classroom. Blaise attached his lips to Draco's before murmuring.

"How far do you wanna go?"

"I want you... I want to have sex, fully." He told his boyfriend. Blaise was more than happy to abide. He kissed Draco gently as Draco gripped on to the back of his head. He kissed Blaise back, gently slipping his tongue between the darker boy's lips.

Blaise took this time to gently unbutton Draco's trousers and slip them off.

"Are you sure?" Blaise asked.

"God yes, please Blaise." Draco took his own boxers off revealing that he really wanted this. Blaise grinned and gently just unbuttoned his trousers, sliding them and his briefs half away. He didn't want to get fully undressed because then it would be harder to rush around once school was started. "Do you um, do you have... lube?"

"Yeah and I have a condom this time." He smirked. "Not that we possibly need it but I figured you'd be more comfortable with it." Draco pulled Blaise down for a chaste kiss. Blaise pulled the lube out of his bag and slowly but surely prepped Draco. Drinking in all the little soft moans and sounds he let loose. They made sure to be quiet though so they wouldn't be heard.

Once he was prepped enough, Blaise rolled a condom up, slid some more lube on himself and slowly slid in.

"Blaise." Draco gasped. "Move please." He begged and Blaise did. He pulled out and then thrusted in. He repeated the same motion. Unlike last time, Blaise found Draco's prostate and proceeded to hit it. Draco was a moaning mess and when he was near his climax, Blaise tugged him a few times. He came with a silent scream and ruined both of their shirts. Blaise groaned and came as well but into the condom. He pulled out and carefully pulled the condom off. He tied it and grimaced. "Oh no, our shirts." Draco muttered sleepily. He pulled up his boxers and pants. He was feeling extreme relief.

Pink Lines (Blacio) (BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ