Surprising, Yet Not

Start from the beginning

The roly-poly Raccoon crosses her arms in front of her chest in order to ward off a sudden chill. "T-that... they would kill anyone with even a bit of Beastkin blood in them, back durin' the Race Wars."

"They murdered entire villages. Towns. Innocent civilians. Thousands died by their hands, and they didn't lose a single member during the entire decade-long conflict." Zen slowly trails her gaze across the various expressions of disgust being displayed by her Sisters. "Since then, they've continued to train in secret. To ply their trades inside the Dungeons. They typically attack smaller groups using hit-and-run tactics, wiping them out and stealing their personal effects. Thus, their gear is top-of-the-line, and their depravity knows no bounds."

The short Cat-woman delves into her enchanted hip-pouch and withdraws her pilfered adamantium katana. "They are all armed with weapons like these, which can easily slice through mithril and orchialum. As such, if and when we fight them again, you mustn't attempt to block a strike with your own blade. Engage from range, or dodge and disrupt from close-quarters only. Now... one at a time, you will all be facing off against me. Those who weather my assault will be in charge of fighting these assassins, while the rest of you will withdraw to a safe-room under your hotel and act as a last-resort to keep the non-combat personnel alive."

Zen stores the red sword into her pouch, then takes out a pair of hard-wood facsimilies and lightly twirls them around in her fingers. "Today, I will be going all-out. Believe that I will kill you, 'cause you can be certain that the arseholes coming for us will be, too. And if you think you've seen me at my worst, well... you're gonna die."

"I'm first."

The small Scout raises her brows in surprise towards the slim Raccoon-kin, Daisy, who was primarily a healer, but also well versed in all the elements, body-strengthening techniques, and was proficient in thrown weapons of all varieties. "You pass. Next."


"Whut. If it's you, it isn't neccessary."

"What's that mean?!"

"It means that I have faith that you can face off one-on-one against these feckers and still come out alive."

"F... fine..."

"Don't look so dejected, dummy."

Daisy pushes out her lower lip while shuffling backwards to stand amongst her Sisters once more. "I jus' wanted to show you what I can do."

Zen rolls her eyes at the decent guilt-trip, but then decides that it'd serve as a good display for what all the others could hope to expect, so she waives the Coon back over with the tip of her wooden sword. "Fine. Come on, then."


The short Cat-woman lashes out to smack aside a pair of thrown iron stars, then again to deflect a trio of metal rods, rolls left to avoid a dozen slim rock-spikes, then dashes forward to engage the crafty mammal in close-quarters.

Her initial flurry of all-too-quick thrust and slashes meets nothing but air, and even a pair of follow-up kicks are blocked well before she can gain even a little momentum. In-between, Daisy whirls and whips out her hands, either attempting to get a hit in with a long dagger, or flicking even more deadly disposable weapons at numerous vital areas.

Zen is barely able to keep pace with the Raccoon-kin, and ultimately loses the bout when the puffy-tailed teen conjures a super-bright light to rob her of her sight. Before she can even leap backwards, three soft strikes land against her throat, and she simply freezes in place, waiting for the painful red spots to disappear from her retinas. "Dirty."

ZEN - Part Two [COMPLETED] [#WATTYS2017]Where stories live. Discover now