Road-Map to Success

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Chapter 74 - Road-Map to Success

"Alright. Settle down. I know I don't have to ask this of my kin, so can all you humans with crappy ears actually hear me? Yes? What about you all in the kitchens? Oh. It's a furry-party in there. Good." Zen clears her throat twice before again looking around her entire collective of seated rescues. "So. Three days have gone by, and you've all learned the basic duties for the hotel, as well as what you can expect for training. I must say, I'm rather pleased by what I've seen so far. From most of you."

The small Scout slides a brief glare in the direction of Ezra, then immediately returns her attention to the others. "With your initial efforts, we've decided on a slightly more-permanent group which you will be working, training, and learning alongside. Each of these include vanguards, secondaries, mages, and non-combatants."

A smattering of chatter breaks out among the gathered teens, and Zen is forced to pointedly clear her throat in a warning. "Hear this. Your Sisters who want nothing to do with fighting terrifying and deadly monsters are still going to be training and learning with you. You will not bully them. Nor will you make snide comments, or otherwise ignore them. THEY are the ones who will have the most control over duties inside of the hotel, including security. They will be the ones training to defend themselves and others against men and women who mean us harm. The rest of you will be learning how to survive against demonic abhorrations. Thus, each and every ONE of you serve a purpose within the Scylla Sisterhood."

After sliding an icy glare around to the girls who had been previously grumbling, the small short Cat-woman then gives a slight nod at hearing no further grievences. "Good. Now, you'll also notice that, in these groups, the scouts and the healers are currently absent from the listings. This is because they will be undergoing intensive training. And when I say 'intensive', I mean brutal. Their bodies and minds will be pushed to the absolute limits. When you see them, they'll be exhausted. Ready to break out into tears. So I'll ask each of you to give them as much encouragement as you possibly can, as your lives will soon rest in their very capable hands."

Zen fails to completely stifle a grin at seeing the expressions of concern being shown to the unfortunate teens selected as special cases. "It'll be fun. Not for them, of course. But I'll certainly enjoy it. Anyways! Each of the groups will have set schedules. For example, the first will have physical training first thing in the morning. From dawn to mid-day. Then they will have a rest-period in the afternoons, where you will be learning from the educators, and will end with working here in the evenings. The other groups will have similar schedules, so that their work-times off-set the others."

A loud chorus of groans sound out through the front portion of the dining-hall, obviously foreseen, and the small Scout sets a scowl onto her lips in response. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you girls wanted to remain weak and stupid. Unable to defend yourselves or hold intelligent conversations. Perhaps we should just call the whole thing off, shut down this amazing hotel, and find each of you other suitable work."

Since it becomes so absolutely silent in the wake of her condemning statement, Zen gives a curt nod and continues as before. "On the week-ends, you will be freed of the shackles of learning, leaving you with a period of free time. And, in addition to that... physical training on those days will merely be an hour-long run each day. Also! Half of each group will be excused from your regular work-period, on alternating days, leaving you with practically a full day to yourselves."

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