AWOL Felindae

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 Chapter 56 - AWOL Felindae

"Get out of my way."




"Clara... I love you... but I will not hesitate to break every fecking bone in your body."

The massive Bear-kin simply continues to stare down at her elder Sister while standing stoic and un-moving in the doorway of the gorgeous woman's shared room. "You're not going down there alone."

Joanne starts to gather a large amount of magical power in preparation of doing something she'd rather not... but she was both out of options and time. Especially since her wife hadn't been seen or heard from after stepping paw into Kileah's Dungeon. "Last chance."

"It's been two days, Jo. And you know how far she cat get in just two hours. So we're going with you."

The red-headed healer blinks in surprise as the mountainous teenager suddenly steps back to reveal a number of other teens all arrayed along the opposite wall, dressed in their protective gear, and wearing the sur-coat emblazened with the Scylla Sisterhood crest.

"We're going to go down there, too. So you might as well accompany us, anyways." Clara fails to conceal a grin as she looks towards their most-experienced group, with Bertie and Elsa on point, herself and Charlie as secondaries, Uma, Polly, Jessie, and Mishone as mages for the rear, and Najwa and Mina as scouts. They thought about bringing along one of their half-trained healers, but with Jo in their party, they'd be able to move much faster.

"N-no! Aboslutely not!"

"So she says. Alright, let's grab some healers. Najwa, you go get Kelsey from the kitchen, and Mina, go to the training-grounds and fetch Brandy. We-"

"STOP THIS!" Joanne marches a pair of steps out into the hall and pans an extremely angry glare around. "You're not going down there!"

Bertie flashes a missing-toothed grin while pointedly averting her eyes. "Jo's right. We should just wait until after she's left to dive."

"Yup, yup! Don't mind us, Jo-dearest. I'll make sure we don't go into the Dungeon untilyou'reaboutfivefloorsdownalready." Uma issues a rapid giggle as she pops half of a super-sweet cookie into her mouth. "So go ahead. We'll wait. Patiently. For ten minutes. Maybe."

The red-headed healer absently grinds her teeth together while sliding her irate gaze across her impertinant Sisters, and though she recognizes the fact that all of them were concerned about Mizuki as well... this was something that she couldn't allow. "I guess I have no choice... but to break all of your legs."

"Right." Clara stoops down to grab ahold of the distraught wife, and quickly tosses the woman over her shoulder before motioning for the other girls to lead the way.


The massive Bear-kin affects another spank to the woman's taut rear while shuffling along the hall, and waits to see if Jo attempts to call her a bitch, again. She doesn't. Instead, their healer just falls silent... which would typically indicate murder ensuing directly after, but this time she was probably healing what would be a bruise covering her entire arse.

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