There Really Isn't Much To Buy

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Chapter 87 - There Really Isn't Much To Buy


The small Scout shuffles to a halt at the loud hail, and though she attempts to peer through the crowded avenue deep inside the commerce-quarter, she can't for the life of her spy the Coon who called out. Better yet... how in the Hell did Daisy know she was here?

Just four seconds later, the pair of Raccoon-kin cousins appear with massive smiles on their faces, dragging Hanna and Emily along by their hands. "I knew it was you!"


The slimmer cousin blinks twice before offering a shrug. "Never mind! Come see this!"

"See what, with all these stupid people around here."

"Come on!"

Zen watches the far-too-hyper Coons immediately whirl around to dive back into the mostly-human throngs, then she sighs and slowly shuffles after them, into a rather plain-looking shop with a cut-out of a chef's hat over the door.

Once inside, though, she immediately finds herself impressed by the massive varieties of cook-ware, kitchen impliments, plate-sets, and baking tools.

"Over here!"

The short Cat-woman moves to the quartet in the corner, and raises her brows in wonderment at the pair of devices being held by Daisy and Hanna. "What th' Hell 're those?"


"Okay..." Zen accepts an odd, wobbily collection of simple, looped metal wires, with a simple handle at one end, then waggles it a few times just for fun. "It's used fer spanking, right?"

"No! What?!"

"Whut. It'd be good for that."

The slim Raccoon gapes at the way their Master makes a few curt motions, then shakes away her shock and snatches the device back. "It's for baking!"

"Could be used fer a lot 'f thin's." Hanna gentle strokes the tines with a smile, as if the thing were a beloved pet. "It's s'pposed to make batter all nice 'n fluffy..."

"I'd use them for beating eggs!"

"Wait, wait. Go back to th' part about making cakes."

The ten-year old baker glances up to the feline's intense stare and blinks twice. "Huh?"

"Batter. Fluffy batter. That'd make for better cakes, right?"

"Uh... depends?"

"On whut."

"On... what kinda stuff I'm makin'?"

"But you could make some better things, right?"

"Y... yes?"

"Then I'll buy you a dozen. Hell, let's clean the place out, and I'll give some to th' girls at Kileah an' Galtaire, too." The small Scout whirls to consult the shelf, and quickly estimates a good fifty of the amazing devices. "Three silver each?! Thievery! But worth it."

"D-didn't y' say that you could get people t' make things like this?"

Zen looks to the master-chef's elder sister, then suddenly remembers that she had mentioned that scenario. But... "I dunno... I was thinkin' easy stuff. This's gotta be made with some skill, right?"

ZEN - Part Two [COMPLETED] [#WATTYS2017]Where stories live. Discover now