Students Becoming the Masters

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Chapter 60 - Students Becoming the Masters

"Uma. Polly. C'mere."

"I totally didn't do it, Zen-dearest!"

"She wasn't accusing you of anything."

"I still didn't steal a kilo of sweets this morning! No matter what anyone else claims! EspeciallysinceImadesurenoonewasaroundatthetime."

The small Scout can't help but roll her eyes as the Squirrel and Poodle shuffle out of the Shiro and Kuro kitchen, wearing matching aprons emblazoned with a cartoon-ish representation of the Scylla Sisterhood emblem covering their chests. "Stop stealing sweets meant for the customers, damnit."

"It ain't a crime if you don't get caught, right?!"

"Uma... you already admitted it." Polly lets out a soft sigh while pacing to a halt in front of their leader's position. "What do you need, Zen?"

"Well, uh... you two are the best we've got down here in wind and earth magicks, right?"


"Then you're both coming with me."

"I didn't do it!"

The small Cat-woman treats the horrified rodent to a brief frown. "I ain't punishing you, dummy. You're both gonna be training me."

The Poodle-kin trades a long, confused stare with her teenaged Sister, then they both slide an expression of concern towards their leader at the same time.


"Z-Zen-dearest... you... can't use magic, remember?"

"Turns out I can."

"Oh, Gods... we're all gonna die..."

Polly hurriedly clears her throat to keep herself from laughing. "O-of course we can instruct you... but-"

"Shut it. I don't need your condescension. I just want you both to gimme a coupla quick lessons. Let's go." Zen whirls around and starts to head out of the massive dining-hall, briefly leaving the stunned teens behind, but they catch back up with her by the time she's pacing out onto the main thoroughfare.

"H-how can you use magic, now, Zen-dearest?!"

"This." The small Scout points a finger to a bulbous leather pouch trapped at her lower-back, pain-stakingly crafted by herself the night before, simply so she wouldn't have to hold the stupid clay jar all the time.


"Obviously, it's what's inside the pouch, dummy."

"How rude!"

"Zen... insulting the people you asked to instruct you-"

"Shut it. Two days of following Jess, Jo, and Mish's commands has put me in a rather foul mood. So deal with it."

"W-why are you so mad, Zen-dearest?"


Uma blinks rapidly in an effort to understand how imagining things could put someone into a bad mood. "Uhm... I... totally understand what you mean! Notreallythough. But when I think about sweets all day, then find there's nothing I really want to munch on, then I get a little cranky, too!"

ZEN - Part Two [COMPLETED] [#WATTYS2017]Where stories live. Discover now