Foot Meet Mouth

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"How could I see it if I was blinded?"

"Well... it takes some getting used-to. But it's grand. Massive buildings, everywhere. Even the library looked like a cathedral!"

"Huh. Wonder how they heat it in the winter..."

"Lots of magical-tools. But they even had them outside. It was weird."

"Hmph. What a pointless use of a good heater."

"They can probably afford it."

"So could we, but I still wouldn't do that."

"You've got some odd friends, Jo."

The ginger healer offers her former roomie an absent nod while watching her wife constantly nibble on her prized carrot cake in order to draw out the experience. "And these are the sane ones. You shoulda met some 'f the people I went diving with."

After popping the last morsel of her final piece of carrot cake ever into her mouth, Zen then dusts off her palms and shuffles closer to the tree-like woman. "So... what're you doin' here."

"I dunno. Shopping, first. Then books."


"Yah. For the past... few years, all I've been reading are historical accounts of people involved in the Church." Beatrice offers the little feline a bony-shouldered shrug. "They don't allow many other types of tomes into their city."

"You ever read any boy-on-boy stuff?"


"Boy-on-boy. Male lovers."

"Uh... no. Never."

"I'll lend you a couple."

"Well... guess I could give them a shot."

"Stop trying to corrupt her with that filth." Joanne displays a frown while her wife's shaggy tail happily sways back and forth at the prospect of finding another person to share such a lurid genre with. "And she'll be busy enough as it is."

"Hah? Why's that?"

"'Cause Jessie's decided to build a central book repository."

"A whut."

"A massive library for our girls. Every few weeks we'll send out different books to all the branches."

The small Scout purses her lips in consideration for a few moments, then gives a curt nod in agreement of the practice. "Okay. That'll be a good way to circulate magic-stuff and boy-on-boy action."

"As well as history, adventure, science-fiction, and poetry."

"Again with the poetry!"


"Why's it always gotta be prose?"

"Hush. Women like poetry. It can be extremely romantic."

"Boys-love-stuff can be romantic, too!"

Joanne lets out a heavy sigh, and decides, for the sake of winning a few battles later, to simply give her mate the easy win. "Alright, fine. It can be, when it's well-written."

"Oh, yeah. Gods, the bad stuff is just... kinda awkward to read."

"Exactly. Anyways, Jessie's gonna need funding for that little project, so we'll have to tell Alyssa the plan."

ZEN - Part Two [COMPLETED] [#WATTYS2017]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon