Unlike normal, however, the male grimaces and indicates the room behind the curtain. Once they're stationed inside of the sound-proof cubicle, he can't help but let out a heavy sigh. "You aren't gonna like this."

"So, definitely a trap, then."

"It is as you say. The location they've chosen is an alchemical workshop which was raided just a few days ago by the King's Guard."

"And if I hadn't heard about that, then it would probably appear on the up-and-up."

"Exactly. The name of the contact-indiviual is also that of an alchemist taken into custody. A minor researcher in the field for only a few short years, so there's simply no chance they'd stumble upon such a valuable recipe."

"That shows they're up on current events, themselves. So they're certainly local."

"Perhaps this faction." Dorian leans a little forward in his chair to confide something in a whispered tone, despite his confidence that no-one would overhear. "I could almost guarantee that there's nearly a dozen other groups across the nation, judging by the Dungeon death-reports I was able to expediently procure."


"Indeed. They have their bases stationed in the largest of cities, and from there they branch out to cover the surrounding areas."


"It's a rather terrifying prospect." The handsome elf leans back in his seat and offers a frown. "You could be facing off against an extremely-secretive society of highly-trained assassins. And from what I've seen of your party outside, I don't think you'll be able to handle this."

"You'd need to see them in action. And, unfortunately, those whom do typically wind up deceased shortly afterwards."

"I do hope that's the case. But I'd still prefer you took the opportunity to purchase a few additional means of protection."

"Which you can direct me to for a finder's fee?"

Dorian fails to keep his poker-face intact, and readily displays a rogue-ish grin. "A small donation, yes. Only three percent of the retail-price."

"That sounds cheap."

"I assure you, the items in question require fortunes to be spent."

"I'm not that rich."

"Oh? I've heard you could easily buy this entire nation, should you so choose."

"It's not my money. It belongs to the Sisterhood."

"Then, shall I endeavour to keep on your good side?"

"Depends on what you're offering."

"Plots, plans, and schemes against you and yours."

Zen lets out a heavy sigh at the thought that there were those things already afoot, since that meant she'd be spending a fair amount of her free time politely conversing with those individuals. And murdering, should talks fail. "No rest for the wicked, huh..."

"You, or them?"

"Both. At any rate, how quick can you send word to wherever I'm at?"

"Within an hour, should it sound dire enough."

"Good. Do that and you'll wind up with a fair amount of coin."

"And I do like shiny things."

ZEN - Part Two [COMPLETED] [#WATTYS2017]Where stories live. Discover now