How All Traumas Should Be Overcome

Start from the beginning

"The ones you saved from the undercroft?"

"The sewers, yah."

"Sweetie, no effluence moves through there."

"Still smelled like a sewer."

"Well, of course. All the dead rats and such? Mold?"


"Hmph. So it'll be in the spring, and Lady Marcia has invited the entire Sisterhood to come and watch the whole show."

"Huh. That's generous."

"Isn't it great! All our girls will get to wear really pretty dresses!"

Zen snaps open her eyes upon immediately thinking about the cost, then blinks twice as she remembers they were beyond wealthy, and finally just pops her shoulders in a shrug before settling back down. "The spring, huh... we might have another six hotels open by then."


"Did ya forget?"

"N... yes."

"I just had a moment where I forgot we're stupidly rich."

"I have to remind myself of that a few times a day. Then I giggle."

"Huh... so that's why."

"Yeah. Sometimes."

"Why? What else d' ya giggle 'bout?"


"So... yer just giggle-crazy."

"Pretty much." Joanne issues a soft snicker while gently scratching her wife's head. "I mean... us. The Sisterhood. Seeing so many people happy. It just puts me in a really good mood."

"Hmph. I jus' see problems."

"Like what?"

"Threats. Lack of effort. Not enough dedication."

"Oh, Mizuki."


"Sweetie... you need to step back from time to time. Just to watch the girls play and laugh."

"If they've got time to laugh, then they've got time to train more."

"Honey. Not the point."


"No, look. This weekend when we go an' visit Jozejemi and Kileah-"

"We're goin' again?"

"Well... yes? Gerald and Carson's limbs will be ready, right? And we've gotta bring Bea, Clar, and Uma back."

"Ugh. Right."

"Anyways, this weekend, you should take some time to just play with the girls. No special training."

"That was just-"

"No. Special. Training."

"Hmph. Then what're we even s'pposed t' do? There's nothin' in Jozejemi."

"Well... then how about this." The red-headed healer perfectly manages to conceal a grin as she finally gets to the point of locking in her gentle persuasion. "Take a few of the girls from there and head to one of the cities. Spend the morning just walking around and seeing what draws their interest. And if you think that sort of thing would be a benefit to our beautiful town, then see if those businesses would like to open a new branch."

ZEN - Part Two [COMPLETED] [#WATTYS2017]Where stories live. Discover now