Five men at the bar were simply complaining about their daily lives. Their jobs, their lovers or spouses. Lamenting how life was compared to the prospects they had when they were young.

The bartender was muttering curses under his breath every time an order came in. Apparently, he hated working here. Not surprising, considering the diseases he might pick up. Maybe he should devote more time to cleaning instead of bitching.

There were only four women. Two were Adventurers in the diving-groups, one was a server with a high-pitched voice, and the final one was an independent contractor, a prostitute, attempting to garner business despite the fact that she was ugly, severely over-weight, and charging slightly more than what you'd pay at one of the brothels.

Of course, in those places, they had certian standards to drive out the undesirable customers. Violent demeanors, severe drunkeness, and utter lack of regard for hygene typically got you thrown out. So good on this lady for lowering the bar while increasing the price...

Thirty minutes after she'd started, Zen finally hears the front door open to admit new customers, and a quick glance in that direction shows six men, all shifty-eyed, surly, uglier than her brother, and just generally mean-lookin'.

As she looks back to her un-touched ale, the small Scout easily tunes out all the other banter, save for high-pitched waitresses and sudden, loud exclaimations, and simply uses her ears to track the progress of the ruffians towards the booth in the corner.

"Tch. Filthly as always."

"Feckin' bitch should learn t' clean up."

"Oi. Mindy."

"Just a minute, Ferenze!"

"Hmph. C'mon. Get yer arses in there. An' don't be orderin' tha' fecking girly shite like las' time."

"Screw you. I had a cold."

"Hey, all! What kin' ah I get yuhs?"



"Jus' an ale that doesn't taste like donkey piss."

"Good luck wit' that. Usual."

"Somethin' from a bottle. Whiskey."

"Oh. Yeah, gimme some whiskey, too."

"Alright! Back in a jiff!"

"Oi. Clear this shite off."

"Oh! Okay. Gimme a sec. Been busy in here t'night."

"Looks like."

"Typical crowd, huh."

"Who're they?"

"Saw 'em yesterday. Playin' cards wit' Henderson and Boll."

"Hmph. Feckin' cheaters. Bet they lost their pants."

"That mutt did, yah. Kept raisin' even when he had nothin'. Boll couldn' believe his luck. Prob'ly wa'n't even cheatin' in th' end."

"Okay! Four ales, one tha' doesn't taste like donkey-piss, an' two whiskey. Run ya a tab?"

"Yah. Thanks, Mindy."

"No problem! Jus' hollar when yuh need more!"

"Feck she's cute."

"Dumb as a pile o' bricks, though."

ZEN - Part Two [COMPLETED] [#WATTYS2017]Where stories live. Discover now