Another Month, Another Sixty Saved

Start from the beginning

"W-why don't we just... o-open a couple of h-hotels in Zeitstad, instead?"

"'Cause it stinks of goats, there. Obviously." Zen issues a snort of annoyance at the thought of the un-bearable stench as she trudges out onto the main street, then briefly pauses to look from one end of the empty road to the other. Not very surprising that they were the only fools to be outside. "Jo? Which spots did we buy?"

"Never heard, sweetie."

"Hmph. Better be good ones. Budgeted half again as much as the ones in Kileah." The small Scout starts in motion once more, grumbling the entire way over to the Merchant Guild, then she yanks open the door and motions her troop inside before following suit.

"Close the bloody door!"

"Yeah, yeah. Keep yer panties on." After tugging the portal securely back into the frame, Zen un-wraps her thick scarf and flips back her hood before looking to the paunched, older human man glaring at them from behind his reception-desk. "We're here to see Bubbles."


"Bubbles. About the hotels we're makin'."

The chubby male offers the little Beastkin a frown at her attempt at humour. "Mister Boo-bley."

"Like I said."

"Mister Buble is currently occupied."

The small Cat-woman stores her muffler and hood into her hip-pouch, then paces over to set an elbow atop the detestable receptionist's desk. "Now, look, here. We've had a standing appointment for nearly a month. And we didn't drop nearly forty thousand gold just to get blown off."

"O-oh. You're... so you're... Mrs. Brahms associates."

"The ones looking to destroy two blocks of real-estate and build some rather fine hotels, yes."

"T-then I apologize for my rudeness. And, please, come with me."

Zen offers the idiot an un-seen frown as he scrambles to lead the way through a pair of double-doors behind his desk, but still bites her tongue to refrain from causing even more of a scene.

In short order, they're brought through the accounting-section, up a flight of stairs, then all the way towards the front of the building before being shown into an office that was the exact same as Alyssa's in Kileah.

At least in size. The furnishings, however, were extremely crude in comparison to her extremely-refined tastes.

Here, the theme was clearly wood-craft, as everywhere you cared to look, nothing but varnished grain could be seen. No cushions, no rugs, no art-work. Just wood...

And a huge man seated behind his desk.

"Mister Buble. These are Mrs. Brahms associates."

"Hm? Oh. We've been expecting you." The mountainous human slowly rises up to his full height, which would easily surpass Clara's two-and-a-bit metres, and even the Bear-kin wasn't half again as wide with toned muscle.

"My Gods. Did they drag you out of the Dungeons?"


"Whut? I haven't seen something that big since I killed a Titan!"

ZEN - Part Two [COMPLETED] [#WATTYS2017]Where stories live. Discover now