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was in the passenger seat of his car and was biting and peeling off the red nail polish on her nails. He sighs deeply before snapping his fingers three times in her face causing her to roll her eyes and push his hand away from her. "Will you freaking concentrate, we need to know how we gonna pull this off."

Debbie lets out a small sigh but puts her hands into her lap anyways - she didn't feel like hearing him throw a tantrum for pretty much nothing.

They were about to rob another bank but the problem was that neither of them had any more bullets inside of their guns and Lorenzo, the man who always supplied them with the bullets were out of town for the the week.

"I already know what to do, O'Shea," Debbie responds, calling him by his goverment name that he hated for some unknown reason - she thought that his name was cute. "If you could trust me to take the lead this one time --"

He cuts her off before she could finish. "When you took the lead the last time, one of our partners got killed and the other went to jail for twenty damn years," she flinches at the low blow and he instantly regrets the words that left his mouth but it was too late to take back. "Look, we --"

"Fuck you!" she says, standing up in the seat and grabbing her black and gold purse from the backseat of the car and then she opens the glovebox, grabbing her gun and putting the weapon in her back pocket. "How dare you try and blame that bullshit on me?" she was talking more to herself but to him at the same time. "How was I supposed to know they would instantly shoot at us?"

"We specifically told you to park at the front of the bank, Deb!" He exclaims but she just roll her eyes and wave her hand. "You parked on the side and --"

She was already opening the door and he scoffs while shaking his head. If she thought that he was about to run in there after her, she had another thing coming because he refused to go with her when they didn't even have a plan to start with.


Debbie enters the bank and her mood lifts a little when she sees that there wasn't that many people inside of the bank today even though it was Thursday. She walks up to the last counter just as an old white lady walked away from it.

Debbie sits her purse down on the counter before patting her back pocket, making sure that her gun was still there. She didn't know if this would work but she hoped it did just so she could show Cube that she could lead without him - plus she wanted to rub in his face that she had money and he didn't have none.

She was a bit childish.

The bank teller gives a warm smile. "Hello," the blonde lady greets. "My name is --"

Before she could tell whatever her name was, Debbie quickly pulls out the gun causing the blonde's eyes to widen. "Don't scream nor try to press the alarm and I'll think about you living to see tomorrow," Debbie says so calm that the bank teller was ready to say that she was a terrible actress but she was trained to not disobey when something like this happens. "Give me every hundred dollar bill and fifty dollar bill out of your drawer and do it fast, alright?"

The lady nods her head and starts doing as she's told. Debbie stares intently at her, making sure that she wasn't trying to alert any of the other bank tellers or press the alarm underneath the desk.

Minutes later and there was now at least 20,000 dollars on top of the counter, she usually would go for more than that but she couldn't be greedy because someone could walk up to this counter at any moment and see what's happening and the plan would be ruined.

Debbie glances over to her left where she sees a dude around his late thirties or early forties with all black on, the only thing white on him was the white hat on top of his head and she smiles, knowing that this plan might actually work. "Do you see that man standing over there?" she questions and the blonde looks over and nods her head, scared. "If you tell anyone - you know what don't even move from this desk because if you do, my friend right there will not hesitate to shoot you right in the middle of your head."

The lady's eyes widen even more but she nods her head once again. "Okay. Fine.."

Debbie smiles and gives a friendly nod as she starts putting the money inside of the purse, the purse wasn't too big so there were at least seven stacks left. She places the gun back in her back pocket. "You have a nice day.."

"Bar - Barbara."

Debbie nods once again before grabbing the now overweight purse and zipping the zipper up. She begins walking back towards the door of the bank and she notices the security guard staring at her.

She kind of looks like one of the people from all of those bank robberies. The man thinks to himself but his thoughts vanish when she gives him a smile. Nah. Nevermind.

Debbie walks back to the car and hops into the passenger seat and Cube looks over at her with confusion. She puts the heavy purse into her lap and his eyebrows raise when he notices how full the purse was looking. "Since I'm such a good friend," she says, unzipping the purse and his eyes widen when he sees how much money was inside. "I'll give you two stacks."

He stares down at the money that she had just sat in his lap before looking back over at her. "I don't know how you did whatever you did, but you have to teach me."

AUTHOR SPEAKS: I haven't updated in soo long and I'm sorry for this shit imagine but I needed to post something because it's been really bugging me.

On the next update, I'll try to make it longer and much better.

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