Tupac Shakur [REWRITTEN]

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               Tupac laughs as he listens to one of his friends tell him a story about something that happened when they were a kid. He shakes his head, chuckling. He could tell that his friend was either making up the story or exaggerating but he just played along to be nice.

               He looks back at the ring and winces as Bruce Sheldon punches Mike Tyson in the eye, he shakes his head in shock and admiration when Mike didn't even stumble, he just kept swinging and punching as if nothing even happened.

               That was one thing that he always liked about Mike. He never gave up no matter how hard he had gotten hit. He just kept fighting. Pac wanted to be like that — never giving up, no matter what happened.

               He glances over at his record label producer and one of his friends, Suge, who was still smoking the same cigar from earlier. He didn't even know they allowed you to smoke in these things. He then looks back over at his friend who was telling the story and nods even though he wasn't really listening anymore.

               About an hour later, the match was finally over and Tupac and Suge was now standing in the lobby of the MGM and laughing with a couple of people.

               Tupac laughs loudly at something that one of the dudes just told him. He was about to respond to what the man had said but someone tapped him on his shoulder and he turns around to see someone that Suge associated with.

               He wraps his arm around Pac's shoulder. “Aye, isn't that the dude who robbed one of y'all people?” He questions, discreetly nodding his head towards someone that was standing on the other side of the room.

               Tupac squints as he looked towards where the man was pointing at. He then nods his head when he says Orlando “Baby Lane” Anderson, someone that had robbed one of his people along with some crips at a Foot Locker.

               Tupac hits Suge on the chest with the back of his hand and tells him the same thing that the dude just told him. Suge nods his head as the two of them followed by some more people began walking towards the man.

               Pac just stands in front of the man for a while and as soon as he looked up, a punch connceted to his cheek and he stumbles back a bit. Suge grabs the back of his shirt and throws him to the ground while Pac and a few of the other dudes began punching and kicking him as well.

               “Now what, nigga!?” Pac screams, kicking the dude in his side causing the man to groan in pain.

               The owner of the place runs out and begins screaming at them to leave. “Get out! Get out before I call the police!” He screams over all of the commotion. Suge kicks Orlando one last time before following Pac and everyone else out of the building.

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