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ᴛɪᴀ ᴋɴᴏᴄᴋs ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴏʀ ᴀɴᴅ ʙɪᴛᴇs ʜᴇʀ bottom lip as she waits for someone - preferably Eric to come and open the door. She hears a bit of shuffling before the door opens and she looks at the man in front of her as if he had more than one head on his shoulderlyingl

“Now what do you want?” Eric questions, throwing his hands in the air before turning around and going back to the white sofa that he was previously lying down on. He was so close to falling alseep, too, until she came knocking.

He hasn't been getting much sleep latey since he's been coughing and emptying his stomach for the past few months. He would probably get about two hours of rest and then he would wake up and start coughing up a storm.

Tia closes the door slowly, looking back at the man who was laying down with his eyes shut. “Why haven't you been at the studio lately?” she questions but he doesn't respond but she knows he heard her because he let out an annoyed groan. “Ren, Yella and Jerry been paging you and coming by your house for about a month now.”

“I don't deserve a day off?” He asks and she raises her eyebrows and jerks her head back.

“A day? Eric, you haven't been to the studio in almost a month,” Tia responds and he sucks his teeth, grabbing the cover from the foot of the sofa and wrapping it around his body tightly. She wanted to smile because he looked like an adorable seven year old kid but something about his appearance was throwing her off.

Eric didn't look like.. Eric.

How could he be cold right now? It was hot as hell in this house.

Tia shakes her head as she looks at him. She didn't know what was going on with him - he probably just have the flu. “Are you coming with me back to the studio?” she questions but he shakes his head. “Damn, E, so what? You just gonna let Ruthless run into the ground? Ren, Yella and Jerry just be staring at each other in the studio - everyone's lost without you.”

Once again, he doesn't respond and she runs a hand down her face, sighing. “Will you at least come to the studio and check on some things, E?”

He nods his head but he then abruptly sits upp causing her to jump a bit as he lets out a loud and nasty cough, doubling over a bit and she looks at him weirdly.

Her first thought was that he was probably doing cocaine and haven't been buying any in a while and now he's going through withdrawls.

He suddenly glares up at her, “Bitch, I'm not doing no damn cocaine.” He snaps and she then realises that she had voiced her thoughts aloud. He flops back down on the couch and places an arm over his face as if he was blocking the sun from his eyes.

Tia takes a good look at him and he was not looking too good right now. He was sweating so hard that you would think that he had just gotten out of the shower and forgot to dry off. His eyes were duller than usual and his breathing seemed a little off.

Tia stares at him for a while longer before finally finding her voice to speak, “Where's your inhaler?” He points towards the kitchen without looking and she walks there where she sees it sitting on the kitchen table. She walks back into the living room with it in her hand. “You know you're supposed to keep this next to you.. you're probably having an attack or something.” she tells him, putting the inhaler in his hand.

He shakes his head no, inwardly groaning at the pain that was in his throat. He could feel another cough trying to come up but he was trying to hold it down. Whenever he coughed, it felt like he was about to cough a lung. “I would know if I'm about to have an attack, Tia.”

“Try it anyways.. just in case, alright?”

This bitch is so fucking annoying. Eric thinks to himself but brings the inhaler to his mouth and takes two large puffs, he looks over at her. “Nothing. I still feel shitty as fuck.. my head hurts, my stomach hurts, one minute I'm hot and then the very next I'm cold,” he says while snatching the cover off of him and throwing it on the floor. “I'm coughing every second and I been cooped up in this damn house, taking those nasty ass pills that Jerry gave me but them shits not even working!” He rants and Tia sighs, shaking her head as she looks at her close friend.

“Maybe go to the hospital.. you don't look to good, E.” he lets out another cough but it wasn't as bad as the one he did a while ago. “Plus, looks like your short ass lost twenty pounds since the last time I saw you.”

He chuckles a bit. “I'm thinking about going. They not gonna say nothing but, Mr. Wright, maybe you need to lay down a little bit and get a bit of rest and then you'll probably feel better,” he says while trying to imitate a white persons voice. “Fuck that.. give me a real explanation on why I feel like this.”

He puts his arm over his mouth as he coughs once again. “Fuck..” He groans.

Tia looks at him worriedly. “Just go as soon as possible alright, Eazy?”

“Alright.. I need to know what the fuck going on with me.”

Once he found out, he really wish that he didn't.

AUTHOR SPEAKS; I actually wrote this on the 26th (the day that he had passed), but didn't get around to posting it until now.. sorry if it's too sad.

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