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For the many, many, many years that I have known you, you have made me nothing but happy and made me love you more and more each time that I seen you. Honestly, I don't even remember how we had met. Do you?

But I do remember having my first kiss with you and (embarassingly) losing my virginity to you. Haha.

When we were kids, I remember how jealous and angry I would get whenever I seen you talking to another dude. Like that one time when we were in the same class together in 9th grade - I can't remember the teacher name and I can't remember the boys name either but I do remember that you were a little scared of him and said that he looked like he would be a school shooter or something. Anyways, the two of you had got partnered up to do a project and I remember him saying something about your handwritng being “pretty”, if you had felt the anger that went through my body, then you would had probably ran away.

Even when Bizzy, my best friend would talk to you or if you would hug him and just give me a dap or a hello instead, it made me soo jealous and upset. You're probably reading this and thinking, this dude was fucking obsessed with me and now you probably don't even wanna marry me.

I'm writing with a pen and I don't wanna mess up this beautifully written letter by scribbling out those words but now you know that I want you to marry me.

You know what, I might just ask you to marry me first and then I give you this letter if you say yes - which I'm almost positive that you would since you've been asking me to marry you since we were sixteen. Remember when you would walk up to me and give me one of those fake rings and say, “propose to me” and I would get down on my knees and would.. propose to you?

You always told me that I was too good of an actor and you would always say that my future wife would be really excited when I proposed to her because my words were just so sweet.

I honestly don't know what else to say but I'm gonna try and drag this letter out to make it seem a little more romantic or cute.

Whenever I would come over to your house, your mom would always look at me and say that we were gonna be together. That we were gonna get together and she would tell me about how much you always talked about me. Mothers could be so embarassing. (Trust me, I would know). I remember at my first basketball game, you and my mom had came to support me and she was screaming at the top of her lungs and saying that everything was a foul, even against my own teammates.

I remember looking up at you and you were laughing so hard. I don't know if it was because of my mother or just anything in general. You were so beautiful. You are so beautiful.

I hope you say yes to this so you could/would make me the happiest man on this whole planet.

I love you, baby.



P.S. I know you hate whenever I put Layzie instead of my real name but everyone calls me Layzie and that just seems like my real name now.

Michael shakes his head as he finishes reading the letter that his father had written for his mother. “Dad, could you had been any more cornier?” He asks and the married couple (of twelve years) bursts out into laughter. “Writing a love letter?”

The lady chuckles, shaking her head. “I thought that it was cute.” she says as she snatches the paper out of her son's hand and starts reading the note again. “You could use this for one of your little girlfriends one day.”

Michael shakes his head no quickly. “I refuse to ever be as corny as dad was,” Michael says and the couple laughs once again. “I mean, if you had felt the pain that had spread through my heart..” Michael recites. “That sounds like something the Jackson 5 would say.”

Layzie holds up his index finger, grabbing the paper from his wife as his eyes start scanning the paper. “First off, I said anger and body - not pain and heart.”

Mixhael waves him off with a flick of his hand. “Okay, dad, whatever you say.”

The lady looks at her husband and then at the little boy on the ground and smile while shaking her head. I love y'all.she whispers causing Michael to roll his eyes. Now if you would excuse me, your father and I have some unfinished business.

Michael's eyes widen as he stands up so fast, hops over the coffee table and runs upstairs, slamming his room door shut.

She chuckles, looking over at Layzie, climbing on top of him and crashing her lips onto his.

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