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Francessca lets out a small sigh when she closes her locker and sees her crush talking to her best friend named Joy. Francessca had been crushing on Tupac since she had first moved to New York back in eighth grade - they were now in the twelfth grade and was about to graduate in one month and she still never expressed her feelings to him yet and it was all because of one reason: Tupac was in love with Joy.

But what Pac didn't know is that Joy was a lesbian and had been in love with Francessca since she first moved here but she didn't want Pac to know in fear of him being homophobic and ruining their friendship altogether.

Francessca runs a hand through her hair before walking across the hall to where her two friends were standing, having what looked like a pretty deep conversation. Joy looks over and a smile appears on her face when she notices Francessca approaching.

Pac looks over and sucks his teeth playfully with a smirk on his face. "Look who finally decided to speak." He says and Francessca just shrugs her shoulders and chuckles a bit while shaking her head. "How you doing, girl?" He questions as he leans in to hug her.

"Alright," Francessca responds, leaning against someone's locker. She didn't know who it belonged to and she also didn't care. Francessca them smiles when she sees one of Pac rivals. "There go Christopher," she says, nodding her head towards the slightly overweight male.

"And?" Pac says, twisting his face up in disgust as he stared at his enemy who was speaking to a girl named Kim at the moment. "Fuck he gotta do with me?"

"You not scared he's gonna come over here and beat your ass?" Joy teases and he sucks his teeth, playfully pushing her as the three of them share a laugh.

Francessca and Joy always made jokes about the beef that Tupac and Christopher "Biggie" Wallace had with each other, and would always say that Chris would just come up out of the blue and just start swinging on Pac.

Supposedly, Biggie had someone come to Pac's house and rob him for his money and jewelry, even though the two of them were friends at the time. Pac started to become really paranoid and thought that everyone was out to get him; and then he started spilling secrets.

Pac had slept with Faith Evans, who was Biggie's girlfriend at the time and Biggie had slept with Kim, while he and Faith was still together.

Some crazy rumors were spread around the school that spread like wildfire and once the rumors got too hot, Biggie and Pac made everyone choose who's side they were going to be on. Francessca and Joy were the only two who had picked Pac while everyone else chose Biggie.

At first, it pained Francessca to see how her group of friends had such an ugly split; she didn't even want to pick anyone's side at first because she didn't want her friends to break up just because of some dumb rumors. She tried to tell Pac that Biggie wouldn't do that to him, but he wouldn't budge.

After a while, Francessca chose Pac and it was just the three of them; it took her a lot of getting used to since she could no longer talk to the others who she also considered her friends, but eventually, she learned to just deal with it.

Biggie and his little group stayed out of their way and Pac and his group stayed out of Biggie's way. Simple.

Pac finally fixes his face as he looked back at where his two girls were standing in front of him. "Anyways," he says, brushing his old friend off. "Homecoming is gonna be here soon." He reminds and both of their eyes widen, already knowing where this conversation was about to head. He turns to face Joy. "Do you wanna be my date?"

Francessca rolls her eyes and looks elsewhere, crossing her arms over her chest. Joy jerks her head back. "No!" she says, distate evident in her tone. She then notices a look of hurt flash over Pac's face and she remembers that he didn't yet know. She quickly changes her answer. "I mean.. I really wasn't even planning on going, you know?"

Pac nods his head slowly, picking up his bookbag from the ground. He then looks back at the two and gives the two of them a fake but believable smile, "Alright," he says, clearing his throat. "Um.. I guess I'm gonna see y'all in Mr. Smith class."

He didn't even wait for a response before turning on his heels and walking down the hallway, practically shoving everyone out of his way as he heads to his second period class.

Joy looks back at Francessca. "I didn't mean to make him angry but I --"

Francessca shakes her head and holds out her hand, cutting her off. "Nah, I understand," she responds, watching as the love of her life walked down the hall.

No matter who they went out with, someone else was going to be hurt.

If Pac dated Francessca, Joy would be hurt.

If Joy dated Pac, Francessca would be hurt.

If Joy dated Francessca, then Pac would be hurt.

Everything was a lose-lose situation, and that's how it remained.

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