Biggie Smalls. [REWRITTEN]

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Faith sighs and shakes her head in embarassment and disappointment as she listens to her best friend tell her about how she had seen her husband, Christopher, in the club looking "pretty intimate" with yet another female.

Faith bites her bottom lip and nods her head, it looked as if she was listening, but really, she was trying her hardest not to burst into tears in front of this girl - she thought that crying showed weakness and one thing that she was not was weak.. unless it came down to the man that she has been in love with for the past five years.

She didn't know what to do about her husband. She kept giving him second, third, fourth and even fifth chances and he keeps taking her love for granted. He would do the same exact thing - either cheat or stay out until early next morning.

She's caught him cheating multiple times, but she just stayed because she thought that he would change and that the two of them could be happy together and start over, but it seemed like he didn't even want that.

"I mean, she was all up on him, you would think that they were glued-" Faith holds up her hand causing the female to stop speaking and look at her. Faith didn't know what made her think that she wanted to hear about her husband's infedility - she knew that was her role as a friend to let her know but it felt more like she was just gossiping.

Faith gives her a sad smile. "You know what, Chris is actually supposed to be here in about thirty minutes and I'll make sure to talk to him about it."

Mary nods her head, standing up from where she was on the couch before walking over to her best friend and pulling her in for a long hug. Faith closes her eyes tightly and buries her head deep into her friend's shoulders and she couldn't help the small sob that left her mouth.

She's been needing that hug for months now.

Mary pulls back and Faith looks down, sobbing into her hands. "Look at me," Mary mumbles, hating seeing her friend in such a vulnerable and sad state. "Faith, dry them tears and look at me." Mary says sternly.

Faith looks up snd sniffs. Mary grabs her face in her hands, looking Faith directly in her eyes. "The only reason he keeps cheating is because you are allowing him to," Faith opens her mouth to protest but Mary speaks again, "You are, you keep forgiving him and forgiving him and he takes that as if you are saying, you can keep cheating because I will only forgive you right after."

Faith nods her head sadly. She understood what her friend was saying.

Mary smiles, wiping at Faith's tears. "You are beautiful and you are smart, you don't need nobody like him." Mary taps Faith on the shoulder twice before walking towards the door. "I want you to page me later, alright?"

Faith nods her head, watching as Mary close the door and exits.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. She thinks to herself, walking to the couch and sitting back down, placing her head in her hands as she sighs.

Am I doing something wrong? Am I getting too boring? Am I ugly to him now? Maybe he just doesn't love me anymore.

The last thought made her tears start falling again. She loved him more than anything and to think that he no longer loved her was breaking her heart into thousands of pieces.

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't even hear the front door open and close. She just heard the heavy footsteps walk into the living room and she spins around, seeing her husband take off his coat and throwing it on the coat rack. She begins to quickly wipe at her eyes but he still saw them.

"What happened to you?" Biggie mumbles, walking further into the living room and she just shakes her head, saying nothing. He sucks his teeth. "Baby, talk to me, please?"

Faith lets out a small sigh again. "I was talking to one of my friends and.. she said that she was you in the club with some female a couple of nights ago."

He just stares at her for a while before chuckling and shaking his head. "Tell your friend that she's delusional."

"I actually believe her;" Faith responds and he mumbles an of course under his breath. "Do you know how many times I came home and saw some bitch in our bed?"

He laughs again, shaking his head as he does so. "I guess you just as delusional as she is then," he responds, "I been stopped cheating on you like a month ago."

Faith jerks her head back. "A month?" she glares at her husband, angry. "I last caught you with someone over two months ago."

He freezes a bit, realising that he had fucked up. "Yeah.. that's what I--"

"Fuck you, Christopher!" Faith screams before roughly pushing pass him, nearly knocking him to the ground as she heads for the stairs to pack her shit. He stares at her retreating figure for a bit before shaking his head and flopping on the couch, flipping the television on.

He wasn't too bothered by her threatening to leave him. He knew that she would be coming back within next week or maybe even before that. He had her whipped and he knew that she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

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