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Aaliyah tells one of her close friends, Sabrina causing the girl to roll her eyes and let out a small sigh.

"Aaliyah, you are an amazing singer and if those people won't be able to see it then it's there loss - you got this." Sabrina responds, putting both of her hands on the girls shoulders and looking into her eyes.

Aaliyah glances back at the building before shaking her head, looking down at her fingers that were interwined with each other.

Sabrina sits down on the small chair, sighing once again. "Aaliyah, you're already five minutes late, they could easily give your spot to someone else." Aaliyah quickly shakes her head. "Then 'effing go!!"

Aaliyah inhales deeply before turning around slowly and walking towards the huge building that looked like the top of it would be literally in the clouds.

"Good luck!!" Sabrina calls from behind her and Aaliyah turns back, giving her a fake smile and continues walking to the building.

Aaliyah was the definition of nervous at this very moment - she felt like she was about to get married to someone she just met or as if it was her first day in a new school.

You're Aaliyah Dana Haughton. You can do this.

Her confident voice tells her and she smiles.. but then her not so confident voice decides to speak up.

What if you freeze up in front of all of those people? You'd be the joke of the whole town then.

Her breath hitches in her throat as she begins walking slower. The non confident voice was right, everyone in the neighborhood was telling her that she wouldn't make it big - the farthest she would get was on the stage before her voice begins shaking and she runs off, embarsssed.

Aaliyah, you are an amazing singer.

Her best friends voice suddenly pops into her head. Sabrina has heard Aaliyah sing multiple times from sleepovers, karaoke machines, talent shows - you name it.

But this time was different, today is the day that determines if she has what it takes to be the next big star, in headlines next to people like Mariah Carey, Monica and the wonderful Whitney Houston.

When she thought of Whitney, a look of determination flashes through her eyes and she begins walking even faster towards the tall building.

"You're Aaliyah fucking Haughton!" She screams causing a couple of people to glance in her direction but she didn't care, she was confident. "You could do any and everything that you want to, because you're beautiful and people would love you, no matter what."

She finally makes it to the building and she swings the door open with a huge smile on her face, she walks to the front desk where a blonde lady was sitting with a pen to her lip.

"Hello," Aaliyah greets with a warm smile across her face. "My name is Aaliyah Dana Haughton and I'm here for my audition."

The lady smiles widely and begins typing something into the small computer. "Yes, Ms. Haughton, we've been waiting for you, go right on up to the fifteenth floor."

Aaliyah smiles even wider and she thanks the lady before walking to the elevator and pressing the button that would determine if she has what it takes.

About an hour and thirty minutes later, Aaliyah returns back to the table where her best friend was waiting for her, asleep.

Aaliyah taps the girl with a sad look on her face and Sabrina frowns, standing up and hugging her. "I'm so sorry, Aaliyah.."

"What? You're sorry that I made it?"

Sabrina pulls back with eyes so wide, you would think that they were paper plates. "Are you serious!?"

Aaliyah nods and they both let out a loud ear piercing scream.

Sabrina grabs Aaliyah's shoulders causing her to stop jumping and screaming. "Okay, promise me that you won't forget me when you --

Aaliyah cuts her off by playfully shoving her. "You know I couldn't ever forget about your crazy behind." Aaliyah laughs and Sabrina joins in as well. "This is so amazing."

They both walk away with linked arms and a huge smile on their lips.

A/N: I had extremely bad Writers Block and couldn't think of ANYTHING to write - hope this is somewhat alright.

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