Putting Theory To Practice

Start from the beginning

"Eh? Oh. Well, for that, you've got to conjure a spherical, impassible barrier around your target, then instantly draw out all atmospheric molecular matter that's trapped inside. Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrocarbons... anything, really, that would lend a cohesive structure to the solid matter. It's different from gravity, though, but you don't have to worry about that, since creating a small vaccuum temporarily negates the principles."

The short Scout draws in a slow, deep breath, then lets it out in a rush while her body deflates a little. Bloody witches. "How much... fecking theory d'ya need to know just to cast a more-powerful spell?"

"Lots? But once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy to put theory to practice."


"It's true! Hell, most of magic is theory!"

"From what I've always overheard, magic is more about imagination."

"Well? Using theory stimulates your imagination."

"Theory makes my fecking head hurt."

"That's 'cause you're just not used to it. Okay. Let's start off slow." The alluring human mage stoops to grab a small, fallen branch from a pine, then moves a few paces away to plant it into the ground. "We'll begin with variations of fire."

"Jo wanted me to practice water before fire."

"Do you always do what your wife tells you?"


"Liar. You're tail's wagging." Jessie comes to a stop at her older friend's side and spins around to face the twig. "So, first, you're just going to set fire to that thing with a minimal amount of magic."

Zen lets out a heavy sigh, then points the tip of her dagger towards the small branch.

"Wait. You're using that?"


"Shouldn't you do things bare-handed, first? Otherwise even your weakest spell would come out as nearly a medium-powered one."

The small Cat-woman looks back to her bright-blue weapon, then quickly decides that, if she were going to inadvertantly make shite explode, then it was probably best to do it on a smaller scale. "Yeah."

"Good. Okay. Bare-minimum."

"For me, it's hardly enough to light a candle."

"Oh. Uhm. Better use the dagger, then."

"Make up yer feckin' mind!"

"I didn't know you're actually that horrible!"

"Fecking witch!" Zen yanks her orchialum weapon out from the sheath at her lower-back, then points the tip towards the planted branch and rapidly pours in a fair amount of power through the metal. As soon as she feels the capacity had been filled, she sends a slight shove through her arm, and a rather large area around the twig is immediately engulfed in flame.

"W-what're you doing?!?" Jessie throws her hands towards the five square-metre space crackling in fire, and rapidly cools the area before splashing water around the pitch on the forest floor. "That was your weakest?!"

"Probably not."

"Whaddya mean 'probably'?!"

"I... might've... put a bit extra in..."

ZEN - Part Two [COMPLETED] [#WATTYS2017]Where stories live. Discover now