Fear, admiration, and a whole lot of Pov.'s

Start from the beginning

        I saw it to, the anger that I had mirrored in her eyes, the eyes that reminded me so much of her, the love of my life and I calmed down. Would she look like that when she grew old, she would be beautiful. her grandmother looked strong and powerful, I could smell her power. It radiated with her anger, and I stepped in now calm but the back of my mind their was red haze.

        "Okay, what do you think we should do about it?" her power which she outstretched to make me see the power which she had was brought back some and she sighed in relief. She straightened and came to me.

       "She is coming to us, I know that for sure but that beast is still out there. I can feel his strength, he is becoming more powerful, and I don't think she is powerful enough to handle him. I feel a strange presence that is with her though, she is being protected by magic and it is not mine or her own, strange, but we have to plan, for he will come to us and that is when we will need to attack.

      With that she whispered her plan to me as I listened and the mother still cried on her knees by the fire and my beloved was roaming the dark woods alone.

Destiny's Pov.

      I was not alone, I knew that for sure. I felt something, someone was fallowing me, watching me but I was not afraid, not yet anyway so I kept walking. It was dark only the slight light of the sun glinted through the trees. I needed more light then what I had, and I had an Idea. I opened my book, the one my grandmother gave me and I searched for the spell I needed.

                       light the night spell

       there, it was there, I knew I saw something when I was looking through the book the day Aaron almost kissed me. I blushed at the thought and pronounced the spell in clear words..

                      Light the night, let it shine bight, let my eyes see what is black to me.

      A light started to shine ahead, a white light that gave me the sight I needed, so that I could see the dark trees and I started to walk smiling at the magic I had done, and I heard a soft gasp behind me and I quickly turned and saw only darkness, and I shook my head and started walking into the light.

Unkown's Pov.

     "Wow, did you see what she did?"

     "Of course we did, we aren't blind you know."

     "Yea but magic. from a human!"

    "She is a witch, she can do that stuff."

     "You think that's why Mistress has taken an interest in her?"

    "Nah, her grandmother is a witch and never once looked at her."

    "Why then?"

     "I don't know, I just don't know."

Destiny's Pov.

     The light shined bight and I kept walking, and then I was in the clearing. I could see clearly and I saw the house, a house that was familiar to me. My grandmamma's house! I cried out in relief and started to run, but stopped right away at what I saw. The beast was there growling at Aaron, roaring at him in evil anger, wanting to know where I was probably and I started to run to them. It was to late, The wolf I hated more then anything snapped at Aaron and Aaron swiped a sword at him backing him up but the wolf bit his arm and i cried out at the sight of Aaron bleeding. The wolf looked my way and I swear it was smiling as it started to come to me but Aaron saw me first and lunged at the wolf cutting his fur and to his skin.

      The wolf yelped and started thrashing, trying to get Aaron off his back byt he held strong and kept stabbing him as my mother wailed and my grandmother closed her eyes murmuring something under her breath. The wolf finally through off Aaron and he fell to the ground panting and trying to get up as the wolf lunged at Aaron, and I new in that moment that Aaron was going to die, the wolf was going to rip out his throat and I could not bear to see it, I ran and ran as fast as I could. The wolf was on him, crushing him as he opened his mouth wide to kil him with the final bite and I snapped.

     "No!" I screamed so loudly that the mountains heard me, I felt it my power raising as my anger and fear raised from within me. More anger then fear, and I screamed that one word so loudly that everyone stared up at me even my grandmother who was trying to contract a spell, and my mother who was balling her eyes out. I was so angry I could not control it and I pushed all my power out into the open like a blossoming flower showing what I had and I directed it to the wolf pushing and my power was only to willing to help flexing at it's full capacity as it could never have done before. The wolf shocked had no time to move and it was blasted off of Aaron in a wind that came out of no where.

      The wolf was paralyzed and could not move the air depriving him of it's source, unable to breathe the wolf wheezed. I was not done, I was so angry at my power was so strong that I was raising in the air at my own accord, and I floated in the air my eyes misting over in pure power as I showed the wolf It and he cowered in fear as the oxygen came back to him and he started to pant and gasp it in. The wind started to blow around me and everyone in gusts and the earth started to shake as my anger grew. No one was ever allowed to harm him.

       Not Aaron! The earth rattled and the trees came to life swaying to the wind and shoots of plants came up from the ground grabbing at the paws of the wolf. I was going to kill him, this evil deceitful wolf and I lifted him to the air my hand moving upward and I squeezed my hand softly into a fist and the wolf cried out in pain as I squeezed for I was crushing his heart from the outside.

      I looked down a smirk on my face, to see if Aaron was alright. My mom and grandmother were holding each other as the wind swirled around them, lifting them off the ground. Aaron was a little left to them and he was holding his arm where it was bleeding and my anger soared and I squeezed a little harder and he howled in pain. I looked up to Aaron's face and my smirk left my face, his eyes held fear and it was not fear of the wolf, it was of me. In a second it was over, I let go of the wolf and he dropped to the ground panting and howling in pain, the earth stopped shaking, the wind became still, and I slowly came down to the ground. My anger died down and it simmered as I pressed my power back in me, and it willingly did as I asked.

      What have I done? Become a power hungry beast just like that wolf? I won't ever let that happen, not as long as I have some humanity left in me. As long as Aaron is by my side that will never happen.

Unkown man's Pov.


      That scream, I know, it sounds so familiar. Where am I? How long have I been asleep? I need to leave, My family will be looking for me. It would be easier if I knew where I was, I can't remember what happened. She was singing, in the woods, she was not suppose to be in there. She is still so young, I had to look for her but I could not find her. I remember coming here but not falling asleep, How long have I been here? That scream, I have to find the girl who screamed, I have to protect her.

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