New Roleplays?

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I've been getting some big ideas for a couple of roleplays, but I know I only have enough time to really focus on one right now. So I was hoping you guys could help me figure out which one I should go with.

The first rp idea, is to make a Literate Space rp. This would be story based and have one main chain, as well as a limit on the amount of characters allowed to be in it. The main focus would be on entrapment, redemption, and what it really means to be a human. It would most likely be filled with a lot of dark themes and tension.

The second rp is actually an idea I have been toying with for a while; an Extensive Anime Rp, focusing on all the different types of worlds and abilities of several different anime's. This would be a Sandbox rp, where rpers would make their own main chains and stories and could use as many OCs as they liked. A lot more freedom would be allowed, and a doubt things would be as tense. However, if I went with this project it would probably take me a lot longer to finish. After all, I would want to include EVERY. SINGLE. ANIME.

So, which idea really sticks out to you? Have any idea which one I should go with?

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