Short Story

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So recently I was on a Scouting trip to Harpers Ferry, and one of the sights there is this monument called Jefferson Rock. The eldest of the troop decided that he wanted to scale this rock and climb a path underneath it, and ordered all of us to do so as well.

Now, I'm not scared of many things, but I am extremely petrified of rock climbing. Why, you ask?

Well, when I was 15 I went on a hiking trip, and saw a huge rock by the side of the path. It was so huge that if I reached the top, I'd be at the top of the mountain I was hiking, so I decided to climb it. However, near the top, my hand slipped, and I couldn't regain control. I was FREAKING. OUT. If I fell from that height, it'd be byebye Otaku-senpai. I'd be dead meat. Fortunately my dad climbed up and saved me, but I've still been scarred ever since.

Back to present, my fellow scout member was pressuring me to climb Jefferson Rock, and when I flat-out refused, all the other guys started calling me a coward and poking fun at me all day.

And this is why I want to quit le scouts

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