party or wreck night #1 | three years later

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Okay today is zays party, and maya farkle and Lucas may be there, it'll be fine.

Maybe they aren't mad anymore and nothing will happen, I probably won't even see them there why am I worried.

My hearts racing just thinking about it.

Why'd he invite them! I'm gonna cry.

(Knock on door)

"Smackle your here?" She said she wasn't gonna be able to go today,

"Yes I am, I made it work and came so you wouldn't be alone" she smiles, I smile brightly.

"Thank you Smackle! I'm freaking out!" And pull her into a hug,

"Okay well it's two hours until the party lets get ready" here we go.

I hope everything goes okay.


"Babe are you ready?" I peak behind the door and see maya putting on her shoes, "wow you look amazing"

"You say that even when I'm in a tshirt and sweats" she laughs.

"Because you look amazing in everything"

"Thank you farkle, you look very handsome yourself" she starts messing with my tie,

"Why thank you"

"Come on, you ready now"


I arrived to the party on time, but I've just been wondering around. I can't find zay, maybe he has seen me and is hiding.

Why did I come!

"Lucas!" I turn around and see zay jogging up to me,

"Zay" he hugs me and I hug him back, then we separate.

"I'm so glad you came, it's good to see you man" he had a hand on my shoulder

"Yea it's good to see you too zay"

"Come on I'll introduce you to some people, and you can tell all about what you've been doing"

"Yeah okay aright" I walked with him to someone else who we started talking too, i feel great.


"Maya! Farkle!" We turned around to see zay with open arms.

"Zay!" Farkle hugged him.

"It's good to see you guys man" he hugged me.

"Good to see you too" I smile. "So who's your soon to be wife?"

"Oh come here, Vanessa sweetie" zay waved us along to a woman talking to an older couple.

"What is it?" She smiled.

"It's maya and farkle" he looked at us,

"Maya and Farkle?!" Her smile got bigger, Then pulled us into a three way hug.

"Vanessa from Texas?" I questioned.

"Its so good to see you guys again!" She smiled at me. "Zay always talks about you guys" I looked at zay who was giving me a ' don't judge me' face,

I laughed, then smiled at Vanessa.

"Let's go talk, it's been so long!" she grabbed my arm and we started walking away, I laughed an 'okay' at her and walked

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