background | after everything

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All I wanted was to be in his arms, all I wanted was for him to hold me and never let me go. But after everything he would never.

He was ignoring my calls, and texts.

I know it was bad but I thought I loved him, I thought I loved my boyfriend. I thought he was the one, and it was my mistake to act like I didn't know how she felt just to keep myself happy. It was horrible to act like I didn't know my boyfriend loved her back.

My own best friend, and in the process the guy who I actually loved drifted away. And the one I thought I loved, loved someone else. And I knew it all, I knew she love him and he loved her and that he loved me.

I made them all unhappy, it was my fault.

Riley Mathews this is your fault.


You lied to a girl for four years, your girlfriend, one of you're best friends.

You lied to her every day of your four year relationship. All of high school.

When the whole time you were in love with her bestfriend. And now you've lost them all.

What were you thinking, did you really think she'd go with you? After what you did. You did that to Farkle and expected her to say yes, Of course she wouldn't.

But I'm really sorry for what I did I had no right

You've lost everyone and theres no reason to stay here anymore, you've lost your love.


He hurt one of the most important girls in my life, how could I forgive him. How could I even look at Riley.

And what he did to me, f*ck him. As long as I'm here he isn't gonna hurt anyone.

He was my bestfriend, Lucas friar was, freak face. Not Texas Lucas! I accepted him, but I didn't think he'd use his Texas Lucas side anymore but I was so severely wrong.

Maya deserves better. And no matter how much I love Riley, I can't let her off the hook for doing that to maya.


So it was true. Riley knew I loved Lucas the whole time, she knew that and acted as if I was fine.

All those days when I would hide away because I didn't want to see them and she'd ask why I was like that she knew why!

What kind of bestfriend does that to someone. And then it turns out Lucas loved me too.

And I would have loved to be with him, if he didn't blow it by doing what he did to Farkle. I hate him! And then he had the nerve to ask what he asked.

I'm done with both of them.


This chapter is them in there heads after the fact of everything. I know Zay and Smackle aren't here and you'll get there thoughts.

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