"I love you too. Be careful on the road." I say and smile at Y/N's response.

"I will." She says before closing the garage door.

A couple of hours later, I wake up from a nap to the sound of someone cooking in the kitchen, so I sigh and sit up a little, so I can stand up on my good leg to hop my way to the kitchen. When I finally make it to the kitchen doorway, I see Allie at the stove, earbuds in and just lost in her own little world, so I roll my eyes and go sit at the island to play on my phone, since it's been in here since this morning, when Y/N left.


I yawn as I park my car in my dad's driveway and get out and go knock on the front door. My folks aren't divorced, it's just that my mom is a southern girl and my dad, just like me, is a California child, so as soon as I graduated high school, my mom moved to North Carolina, where she's really from, just to be home again, they're still married and love each other dearly, but mom wasn't happy in Cali any more and my dad let her move to North Carolina so she could be happy again, and it's worked. If you ask my mom though, she'll claim that she moved to NC to be close to me as I went through college even after I said I didn't want my folks to move to Athens with me, but we all know that that's not true. When the front door opens, I smile as I see my father for the first time since Christmas my senior year of college, and jump at him, hugging him twice as tight as he's hugging me and just let myself sob into the shoulder of the man that made and raised me to be who I am today.

"Y/N/N, honey. Oh my god." He muffles into my shoulder and I just cry harder, realizing how much I missed him, despite the little effort I've put in to seeing my family these past few years. "It's been so long. Look at you." He says as he sets me down, stepping back to look me up and down fully, a wide, brilliant smile spreading across his face before he hugs me tight again, the last thing on my mind being my bruised bone. "You look so much better in person than you do on a computer or tv screen." He says and I smile as we walk into the house. "You look great in general." Dad says and I smile.

"I feel great, dad." I say and he hugs me again.

"I just can't believe you're here, right here, in front of my face, I can hold you and squeeze you and hug you as much as I want, my baby is here for my birthday." He says, tears welling up in my eyes and I huff as my own eyes begin to tear up, too.

"Don't cry dad, you'll make me cry." I say and he laughs a little.

"And the two of you crying will make me cry." A familiar voice says and I look to my left to see my mom coming out of the kitchen, so I run at her and do exactly what I did to dad when I first saw him, wrap myself around her and sob into her shoulder because I'm just now realizing what little family seemed to matter to me after being called up to the USWNT and put on a professional team.

"I'm so sorry, mom. I'm so sorry." I say and I look at my mom as she puts me down, her brows furrowed and a frown on her face.

"What are you sorry for?" She asks and I wipe my face with my hands as I look between my parents as my dad comes over and wraps my mom up in his arms.

"Not visiting anybody after graduating." I say and they give me a sad smile. "I'm such a bad daughter, I'm lucky you haven't disowned me yet." I say and my dad rolls his eyes.

"If we won't disown you for being lesbian, we're not going to disown you for being passionate about something you love more than your life."

"But I've ignored my family for three, almost four years now." I say and they both wrap me in one huge tight ass hug that I relish in as much as I can.

"That doesn't matter to us, honey." Mom says and I look at her as I step out of the hug.

"Seeing that smile on your face when you're playing on the TV is good enough for us, it shows us that you're happy with where you're at in life and that's all that matters to us." Dad says and I hug them again.

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