Lollipop: 4

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Mini Mimi was now all alone. His parents had moved out, taking all their belongings with them. They didn't bother to go into their son's room. They left him. 

Mini Mimi sat at his window, rocking back and forth on his rocking chair as his gaze followed the boy who walked out of his house across from Mini Mimi's. The boy crossed the road, making his way to Mini Mimi's before he entered. Mini Mimi stood, hurriedly running out of his room and down the stairs.

"Kookie!" Mini Mimi shouted.

The boy did not answer and only walked up the wooden stairs, face void of emotion. Kookie opened the door to Mini Mimi's room, sitting on the bed. Mini Mimi followed, sitting back in his rocking chair.

"How have you been, Mini?"

Mini Mimi | Yoon.kookWhere stories live. Discover now