Ch.1 And So It Begins

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       "Come on Ezzy!" shouted Iereen.

"Ree, do you even know where we're  going?" Ezmeralda huffed. 

"Oh,we can't tell you that Ezzy." said a boy beside her. 

"Shut up Rider!" 

"Thanks Lucian." she smiled. 

"Keep up you guys!"

 "Orwynn, you need to slow down!"cried Skylnn although she was laughing horribly loud. 

"Quiet down! Gryffin will hear us!" hissed Pheobe. 

The seven friends had been planing a surprise party for Gryffin for months now. As they entered his house curtesy of Ms.Aaron, who naturally wanted in on the party. And due to the fact that he could probably sleep through the apocalypse, and sleeps in on the weekends.   After two hours of setting up everything. 

"Hey Ezzy, Skylnn I think the banner's crooked." teased Orwynn as they were putting the finishing touches on the wall and table.

 "Go to Tartarus." Ezzy giggled sticking her tongue out. 

"Real mature you two." Lucian exclaimed helping Skylnn down from the ladder. 

Everyone looked at Pheobe "Will you do the honors Phee." Rider guestered to the stairs with a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Wait, did you just tell me to go to Greek hell?" Orwynn asked in bewilderment. "Orwynn are you mustard because you really need to ketchup." Iereen replied sarcasm oozing from her words. "He's coming everyone hide !!!" Pheobe shrieked softly, which Rider didn't know you could do. He'd had a crush on her for years now. He loved everything about her; her black hair, vibrant blue eyes, everything , he thought as he gazed at her. Then Ezzy brought him back to reality with a flick in his face. Before he could say ow Gryffin or "Finn" as the others called him came down the stairs. With his dark brown hair and amber eyes, wearing but a simple t-shirt and jeans. "Happy Birthday Finn!!!!" they screamed so loud he was pretty sure China could hear them.  

"Thanks guys." he smiled "I'm guessing the theme was Ezzy's idea ?" looking at her quizzically with a raised eyebrow. "What can I say I'm a geek. Besides Greek mythology rocks." she shrugged. 

"Oh Gryffin, I can't believe your sixteen as of today." said Ms.Aaron proudly. And so one by one everybody gave him his gifts, and then had ice cream and cake. "We should go and get some fresh air, we've been here since four in the morning." Phee announced "I could use some sun." Orwynn concered. "We'll see you later mom." said Gryffin happily as he kissed his mother on the cheek. "We'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid while we're gone !!!" called Skylnn. "Is that so !" said Finn as he ran up to Skylnn and picked her up bridal style, leaving her giggling in his arms. "Where to guys ?" Lucian asked. "Adeline's bridge !!" they exclaimed. Adeline's bridge was their favorite hang out and where they all met.     

   At the bridge you could sit in the river and see all of Central city just on the edge of a forest hill. It was beautiful. "It's beautiful out today isn't it." Ree sighed contently talking to Ezzy and Skylnn. As the others carried on conversations Rider decided to finally ask Phee out. "Hey, Pheobe can I talk to you?" Rider asked "Sure,be right there Rider." she exclaimed jumping out of the water and going to where Rider was.    

   What is he doing ? she thought curiously. "So... I..oh god this is hard." he paused and took a breath. "Okay, Phoebe I like you a lot... I was wonder-" before he could finish Phee had already figured out what he was trying to do and kissed him. "I'll take that as a yes then ?" he asked  after the kiss was over. "I've been waiting to do that, and absolutely!" shouted Pheobe happily. Next thing she knew the boy with dirty blond hair and hazel eyes that was a head taller than her, puck her up by the waist and spun her around with relief.


   However on Olympus things were a different story. 

"These children know nothing of our existence... well, except for Ezmeralda. How can we be sure of our choice?" asked Aphrodite, whom is rarely ever concerned this much. 

"Aphrodite, it's okay. Even if we could chose, the Fates have already spoken they are the chosen." Hera replied as soothingly as she could. 

"I'm afraid Hera's right, Aphrodite. The only thing we can do now is summon them from Iowa to New York." Athena exclaimed, as wise as she was she to was concerned for them. 

"Father, when shall we summon them to Olympus?" 

"Tomorrow." Zeus replied in a monotone shaky voice.

 "I'll make the preparations for there arrival." Hermes sighed. 

"Until then we must get ready." 

"Uncle Poseidon are you okay?" asked Artemis scared.

"Artemis nobody in this room is okay right now." and then he left to visit someone he knew he could always rely on to talk to. 

"Poseidon are you sure there is no avoiding this. These kids, they barely even know any thing !" she exclaimed.

 "Sally don't you think I've already tried ?" he huffed frustration mingling in his voice. 

"There's nothing any of us can do. The fates have spoken, after they've been transformed we are to send them on there way to Camp Half-Blood and hope for the best. I just hope the children are up to the task at hand." 

"Aren't we all." Sally sighed looking out the window with worry.

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