The Bait

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    The air could chill one down to the bone, I was trying not to shiver, but it was controllable. I looked up at the moon which hung over me. I looked down at the dark dirt below me. I wanted to shout or scream to see if anyone was near, but I knew it would only bring unwelcome guests. I kept on walking even though each step was painful. An owl hooting at me, caused me to move a bit quicker. I was scared and I had no idea where I was or where I was headed. When the moon was high into the air, I fell down to my knees and laid in the dirt. I didn't want to carry on anymore.

    "Fili," Mom cried out as she came into my room. I sat up in bed to find that Mom was still in her night gown. I wiped the sleep from my eyes. I turned over to Kili who was still lying still in his bed, even though i knew he was awake. I looked at my Mom who was staring back at me.

    "Yes," I asked desiring on the fact why she woke me up.
    "Get up, help Thorin he needs to load his wagon," she answered as she began to turn away from the bedroom. I let out a sigh, and pulled the blankets off of me. I grabbed my furs and basic clothes and began to put them on me. I looked at Kili who was still lying still.

    "I don't see why you can't help me," I said as I searched the room to find my pair of woolen socks.

    "Because I'm the little one, and I have fragile bones," Kili mocked as he turned over in his bed to look at me. The room was dark due to the late sunrise. I then found my socks which was under my bed frame. I grabbed them and slid them onto my feet.

    "One day I will be gone and you will have to do the same as I do," I told him trying to seem more dominant of the situation. He then laughed a bit. I got up and left the bedroom as Kili enjoyed his comfy bed. He was always the one to get out of these sort of things because he was the little one.

    The morning cold made me want to go back to bed. Uncle Thorin wasn't outside yet because mother was making him eat up his breakfast before he left. I had to hook the ponies up to the wagon, the task was fairly simple, but with Thorin's stubborn pony, he made it almost impossible.

    "Coal, you be a good boy, and step back," I told him as I lined him up with the rails of the wagon. The pony seemed to shake his head at me, I rolled my eyes. I then grabbed the rope that was wrapped around my shoulder and smacked his chest.  The pony was confused by this action, and began to step back. When he stopped stepping back his back left hoof had landed on the straps to tie him in. I began to push his chest  with my hands, but it didn't seem to do the trick. I started the pony hard into the eyes and then tried once again, he finally stepped back freeing the strap. I was so happy that I quickly dove under the pony and grabbed the strap. I then quickly wrapped the strap around his stomach and chest. When this was all done Thorin came out. I was very impressed that I had done it all by myself that I almost wanted to show off, but I looked at Uncle and I forgot the idea of showing off. I grabbed onto the reins and threw them over the pony so Thorin could guide the pony. Thorin stepped onto the wagon and sat down. I guided my hands until the end of the reins and pulled them so Thorin could have them. Thorin accepted the reins and then clicked. They were off, and without a word I went back into the house.

    I entered the kitchen and looked through the small window, the sun was making it's way over the hills.

    "So did everything go okay," Mom asked as she came into the kitchen. I turned back to face her. Her dark brown hair was piled into neat buns around her head, her beard was braided. She wore a pink and green dress, something a commoner would wear.

    "Yeah, he had all of the packing done, but he made sure to put me to work," I answered as I sat down at the table. Mom nodded her head and walked over to the iron stove.

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