The beginning of an adveture

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"Do you think my arrows are sharp enough," KIli asked.

"Dwalin helped you sharpen them, so of course they sharp enough," I answered looking around.

"I don't want to be the first ones to arrive," Kili said slowing his pace down.

"Balin and Dwalin left an hour or so ahead of us," I said, I put my arm around his shoulders,"Don't worry Kee everything is going to be fine."

He looked up at me and smiled. I took my arm off of him and adjusted my knives in my shirt.

"How are we going to find this place," he questioned.

"Gandalf said he left a sign on the door," I replied.

"You have too many knives. You know that right," Kili asked me.

"Too many knives to protect you and I with. Knowing how reckless you are I most likely will use all of them," I answered.

"It's not my fault. I have the spirit of uncle," Kili said.

"Uncle had the spirit like you yes, but that was when he was a teenager. Basically uncle is telling you that you are acting like a teenage prince," I told him.

We walked up a hill and stayed quiet for a couple of seconds.

"I wish Gimli came," Kili said.

"Gimli has five more years till he reaches adulthood," I told him looking up into the stars.

I looked at the next house which we came across. I looked out to see the shire below us.

"This must be it! Its the last house and it has a sign on the door," Kili said.

"Now remember Kili we must be on our best behavior, "I said opening the gate's door.

"I know Fee," he answered.

We walked up the steps and I rang the bell that was near the door. The door opened and there sat a strange looking hobbit in his pajamas. I smiled at him as Kili kept a straight face.

"Fili," I said.

"And Kili," my brother said.

We paused.

"At your service," we both said.

We both bowed to him like he was a king. We both stood up and got a good look at the hobbit.

"You must be Mr. Boggins," Kili said looking at the hobbit who seemed overwhelmed.

I kept my face in a smile. Mr Baggins, Kili, Mr. Baggins. I wanted to punch him so hard.

"No, you may not come in. You have the wrong house," the hobbit cried closing the door.

Kili stopped the door from closing and asked the hobbit," What?! Has it been canceled?"

"Nobody told us," I said looking at the both of them.

The confused hobbit answered," Can...! No, nothing's been canceled."

"Well that's a relief," Kili said letting himself in.

I followed him in. Mr. Baggins closed the door behind us. I turned around and handed him my swords and knives I had been carrying for hours and hours.

"Careful I just had them sharpened," I told him.

I emptied my jacket from every knife I had with me. I kept one though that my father had given me for my fifteenth birthday.

" It's nice, this place. Did you do it yourself," Kili asked looking around.

" It's been in the family for years," Bilbo answered as he held my knives looking at Kili.

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