Fili's first independent hunt

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I woke up to Adila getting out of bed. I groaned a bit and when I came to my senses I opened my eyes. I saw Adila start to dress herself.


I said through a small moan. Adila crawled over to my side of the bad and laid a kiss.

"You're leaving so early."

I said after we kissed. She laid her head onto my chest and looked up to the ceiling.

"I was going to make some breakfast for you before I headed back."

She replied as she brushed her fingers through my chest hair. I put my hand on her head and began to feel her soft long black hair. We sat there in silence. It was four in the morning and Adila needed to get home before her parents woke up. She had been sneaking out of her house for the past few months to come and see me.

"Fili, what if we had children?"

Adila asked me as she sat up. I looked at her. She put her hair up into a ponytail and put a clip over it to keep the hair together. I pulled the sheets off of me and reached for my trousers on the floor. I could hear Adila make her way to kitchen. I pulled my trousers on and then put on a loose shirt.

"Well, they would be pretty."

I answered, as I went to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and watched Adila as she made me my breakfast.

"Fili, I want to have children. Kili is having a child, why can't we?"

She asked me as she began the fire in my iron stove. I rubbed my arm in thought.

"Kili's married, we're not."

I answered as I became very bothered by the question. She turned to me and shook her head.

"Can't we marry already?"

Adila questioned, she was becoming eager at the thought of marriage.

"We already do the things married couples do, you just need a ring around your finger."

I commented. Adila carried on with her work.

"I want to have children."

I added, trying not to make her think I didn't want children.

"Here are some hashbrowns, I have to go now."

Adila said as she put a plate of hashbrowns before me. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her waist. I then kissed her. She kissed me back. We stopped kissing for some air.

"You have a good hunting trip my love."

She said as she backed away, she turned away from me and opened the door. She let the cold air in.

"I would walk you home, but."

My voice stopped. We both knew the reasons why I couldn't walk her home.

"I know."

With that she walked out and closed the door behind her. I sat back down at the table, I looked down at my hot hashbrowns. I began to eat them at the thought of her.

I received a knock on my door. I opened it slowly. It was Thorin, he was coming back from the nightly watch.

"Morning, Thorin."

I said as I held the door open for him. He walked in and I closed the door behind him. He sat down on the small couch that sat in front of the fire.

"I got the ring for you, the debt is two-hundred. I told the bank it was for your house."

Thorin told me as he pulled out a perfect sapphire ring for Adila.

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