Little Lune

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"Dis, let me take the boys to the next town. They need to experience the world. They are responsible enough," Thorin told my mother.

"We will discuss it when the boys have gone to bed," mother answered him.

Thorin leaned back against the couch. Mother continued stitching up Kili's trousers. I looked at Kili who was still sharpening his arrows. Uncle was most likely not going to win this battle against my mom. I continued reading my studies. I had a test the next week which would decide whether I would stay or not. I closed my book when I had finished the chapter and then went to the kitchen to get some bread. I found the bread lying on the counter waiting to be eaten. I ate the best looking piece. Kili joined me.

"Do you think mother would let us go on a caravan trip," Kili asked in a low voice.

"I don't know. it's possible though," I answered.

"If I do show mother my archery skills do you think she would let us go with no worry," Kili questioned.

"It will make no difference. Mother knows you are good at fighting she has seen it, but she knows how reckless you are. Most likely I will go with uncle," I replied.

"I'm more of a fighter then you are," Kili mumbled under his breath.

"What did you just say," I asked him.

"Nothing," he replied smiling.

He walked out of the kitchen. I wanted to punch him so hard ,but what good would that do? I groaned and went back into the family room. I sat down again near the fire and watched as my mother sewed. Mom looked up from her work and looked outside.

"Boys, it's getting late and I want you to be well rested for tomorrows training. I want you to go to bed," mother told us.

I got up and went over to mother. I kissed her on the cheek. I went over to uncle and nodded.

"Good night mother and uncle," I said.

Kili followed me into our bed room. I closed the door behind him. I took my clothes off except for my trousers. I laid in bed and rested my eyes. Kili was still changing. He finally finished after five minutes and turned the oil lamp off. I never got to sleep before Kili shook me.

"Lets go see what the decision is," Kili said.

"Alright, sure," I replied getting up.

We opened the door softly and quietly so we could hear their conversation.

"Thorin you know how reckless Kili is," mother told him.

"I know ,Dis. I promise you though this caravan trip will change him. He will definitely not be the same reckless Kili as he is now. Let me take the boys with me and show them a piece of the world," Thorin replied.

"What about Fili," mother asked.

"Fili is strong. He is pretty much a perfect child. The only reason I am taking both of them is because I have seen that Fili is weak and nothing without Kili. Kili, however needs this trip to see that Fili needs him," Thorin replied.

"Fine. You win," mother told Thorin.

"We will be leaving tomorrow morning. I expect them to have warm furs on, "Thorin replied.

I smiled brightly. Kili and I closed our door and went back to our beds. Kili tossed over so he looked straight at me.

"Are you really weak without me around," Kili asked.

"If that is what uncle says then it is true. Just don't take it as a compliment," I told Kili.

"I won't I promise, "he repled.

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