Battle of Five Armies conclusion

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-So this is a story about if Fili, Kili, and Thorin lives through the tragedies of the battle. This is in Filis perspective-

     I stood along with the company. We all listened to the cries of war. Kili grew angrier with every cry he heard. He was staring down at the floor with his fists clenched. I could see his veins pop out of his wrist. I looked to the others who were also silent.

    "Are we going to just stand here and do nothing," Kili asked in anger. I looked at my brother who was sitting still. For we were all disappointed in Thorin, he had become ill with Dragon Sickness. Thorin wasn't the same and it was sickening. He had changed significantly throughout this trip.

    "There's nothing else we can do lad," Balin replied to Kili. I was fed up with just standing here. I ran up to the large amount of rocks which covered the mountains entrance. I grabbed the rocks and began to pull at them.

    "Fili, stop," Ori yelled at me. I turned to him with anger in my eyes. I stepped back and pointed to the rock wall.

    "If we get this wall down then we can fight," I yelled back. I looked to the rest of company to find that no one was going to help me. I shook my head at them.

    "We are dwarves of Erebor. I have dreamed of reclaiming the mountain since I was young, and now I believe that this whole entire adventure was a nightmare. Our kin stand out there dying and we remain still like cowards," I yelled at all of them. I watched all of them turn their backs to me. I began to pull at the wall again. This time some rocks fell to the ground. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to find Balin. He shook his head slightly as to discourage me.

    "Balin," I sighed as my hands fell from the rocks. I could see that there was little hope. I kneeled down and I harshfully thought of my Uncle. It seemed like seconds passed when I heard footsteps approaching us.  I rose to my feet and as I saw Thorin coming towards us. I watched as Kili stared Thorin down, I had never seen Kili so angry at Thorin before.

    "I will not hide behind a wall of stone while others fight our battles for us," Kili yelled at Thorin. Thorin didn't seem to be phased by Kili's words. He continued walking towards us as if he was in a daze.

    "It is not in my blood, Thorin," Kili screamed as he walked towards Thorin. Thorin then stopped before Kili. I was afraid that Thorin was going to punch him in the face.

"No it is not. We are sons of Durin.  And Durin's folk, we do not hide from a fight," Thorin calmly told Kili. I wanted to jump into the air because those words were the words of my Uncle. Thorin and Kili stood there for a few seconds and then they touched foreheads as to show love. I smiled at the sight. My old Uncle was back.
"I have no right to ask this to many of you . But will you follow me one last time," Thorin asked us as he made his way towards the company. I looked at Kili who nodded to me as to prove to me that he was indeed truly back. Those who were sitting down all stood up with weapons ready for a battle.

"Then let us go fight. Six of you can go get the armor and weapons we need. The rest of you help me get this wall down," Thorin ordered. Kili threw his head to the side to encourage me to go get the weapons with him. I stepped down from the rock pile and raced down to meet up with Kili.

"We shall go get the weaponry and armor," I informed Thorin as we began to run down the hall towards the blacksmith hall.

"Boys," he shouted back at us. We stopped suddenly and looked back at him. He gave us caring look and smiled at us.

"You are going to be fighting next to me," he ordered. I nodded my head and then ran to go get ready for battle.

We were lined up ready to go to war. I looked up as Bombor prepared to break the wall. He had the large rope in his hands prepared to let the rope loose.The rope prevented the bell from hitting the wall. Thorin then gave the signal and Bombur let go of the rope which caused the bell to fall forward and hit the rock. The rock wall fell with a large sound which was rather frightening. The dust of rock came up and it was blinding. I wiped my eyes clear of the dust. Thorin began to run out. I looked at Kili who began to follow. I then followed after them. We let out war cries to prepare to fight.

Fili and Kili Tales  ---ORIGINAL----Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin