Fili's love

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I saw the lanterns glowing from the Eastern gate. I sighed a bit, I was too exhausted from last nights training with Thorin to work. I was sluggish and I could feel the weight of sleep already. I focused on getting to the gate. I could see Thorin standing outside of the gate, he had his arms crossed and his eyes on me. He could see my sluggish walking, I stood up straight and began to walk quickly. I made way up to him. He examined me.

"Return home, Durin. I'm not going to let you sleep on the job."

He told me as soon as he finished looking at me. I opened my mouth ready to open, but I closed it when I realized that I didn't care at that moment. I nodded my head and turned back around.

"Nevermind, Durin, you're going to be posted at the top of the gate. Try not to fall asleep."

Thorin told me. I froze at his words. I clenched my hands into fists and tightened my jaw. I turned back around to him. I was pissed. He was the one that made me train all last night because I guess I needed to get stronger.

"Yes, sir."

Was all I could reply. I turned the stone stairs and climbed up them to Thorin's office. I rolled my eyes at the sight of the door. I walked up another flight of stairs that led me to the top of the gate. I could see left over poker pieces from the guards on night duty. I kicked one of the pieces out of anger. No one was guarding the gate, yet. I was always the first one at the East gate in the morning. Nothing happened at the East gate because it wasn't near anything. I looked out to the mountains that looked like a dark shadow in the night. I sat down on the floor and put my head into my hand. I closed my eyes just for some sleep.


A yell roared over the silent air. I opened up my eyes and stood up quickly.

"Yes, sir?"

I asked as I looked at Thorin. He rose his eyebrows at me.

"Don't let your guard down!"

Thorin answered angrily. I was too tired to even care if he was mad at me or not. I nodded my head at him as a reply. He walked off down to his office. I sat back down. Just a few minutes of sleep would help. I closed my eyes and put my head against the stone wall.

I was woken up by a gentle kick. I opened my eyes to the bright sun. I rubbed my eyes and looked up to find one of the guards.I noticed it was one of my father's worthy friends, Gloin. I stood up and sauted to . He saluted back.

"Surprise your uncle didn't catch you."

He said as he put his hand down. I sighed slightly and looked out to the hills.

"I trained all last night."

I informed Gloin, he smiled slightly and hit my back. He walked over to his post. I walked over to mine. I looked out over the same hills, the same boring hills that never changed, maybe if we got lucky we would get a messenger or a dwarf coming from somewhere, but that was on rare occasions.

"Gloin, why do we always have to guard this gate?"

I complained as I leaned against the stone wall. He turned to me and rolled his eyes a bit.

"Why do we have to keep candles away from explosives?"

Gloin asked me. I shrugged a bit, I put my hand on the tip of my guardsman sword.

"Because it would set fire and cause a huge explosion, which would hurt a lot of people."

I answered as I threw my left leg over my right. Gloin leaned on the stone wall.

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