Evil Men

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~~~Before you read, this story includes some inappropriate and uncomfortable scenes, so please don't read if the scenes are too dramatic for you.~~~

    I sat on the throne waiting for someone to come and talk to me about anything. I was bored and it was so bothersome because no one had anything to talk to me about. I was occupying myself by playing with the diamonds on my crown. Fillion stood next to me. He was bored also and I could see that he was beginning to doze off. I let out a sigh and then got off of the throne which woke Fillion up. I turned to the guards who were against the walls ready to attack anyone who threatened me.

    "Go get our horses and our hunting gear," I told the guards. The guards ran off in different directions. I turned to Fillion who was pleased. I smiled a bit and the proceeded down the hall. Fillion chased after me.

    "Are we going hunting," he questioned with an excited voice. I looked back at him and could tell that he was surprised about my decision.

    "Go get Fern, I'm sure she would enjoy the hunt," I told him as I thought of my daughter. She wasn't like the other female dwarves, of course her joining our hunt would be looked down upon because she was a female, but she needed a good hunt. Fern seeked to be more than just another pretty princess, and that's what made her special.

    I mounted my horse. As I slid my feet into the stirrups I took the reins and kicked my horse's sides. The horse began a trot and then proceeded to a lope. I could hear Fillion and Fern following after me. We had decided not to exit through the main gate but the gate that led to the back of the kingdom. The back was just like any other valley, but what was really special was that not many hunters came to the back of the kingdom, so the land was plentiful with many animals. Fern had only hunted twice with us, but she had a good eye for the animals. Fillion despite his lack of kills was good at luring the animal towards him. Kili would usually kill the animal with his archery skills. I would be assisting to load the animal or help kill it. Now I would have to take over Kili's position. He had taught me how to use the bow and arrow, and I wasn't that bad at it. We continued to ride throughout the valley.

Fern and Fillion had raced out in front of me. Fern and Fillion were wearing their commoner clothes, we looked like any other dwarf going out on a hunt. It took a few minutes until Fern pulled back on the reins and came to a stop. I stopped my horse. Fern dismounted and then began to quietly walk towards a pile of rocks. I dismounted and watched as Fern examined the rock pile. Fillion dismounted and grabbed his sticks and some meat. I grabbed my quiver and bow. I then turned back to look at Fern who had disappeared. I turned to Fillion who shrugged. I patiently waited for her, but she wasn't showing her face. I then proceeded to the rock pile. The rock pile was more like a cave then anything else, but it wasn't attached to anything but the ground. I went into the rock pile. It was so dark I had to let my eyes adjust and when my eyes did adjust I saw that there were men in the cave. I could see one of them was holding my daughter. She was limb in the man's arms. I didn't take action instead I looked at the main leader who was standing a few feet away from me.

"What do you want with us," I asked as I put my hand over the pommel of my sword. The leader could see that I was someone important due to my sword.

"Who are you," the leader asked as he continued to stare at my sword. I refused to answer the question. My eyes turned to Fern, I could see that she had a bad cut above her eyebrow.

"Why did you hurt my daughter," I questioned as anger overcame me. The leader crossed his arms and didn't seem satisfied.

"We hit her," he replied sternly. I shook the hair out of my eyes and was ready to battle. I let out an angry growl. Just then Fillion came in for a few seconds he let his eyes adjust and then when he did he became quite aware of our situation. He then drew his sword quickly.

Fili and Kili Tales  ---ORIGINAL----Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ