My family is finally home

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I stood next to Thorin, he sat upon the throne, the Arkenstone above him. Men from the land of Dale were headed towards us, they needed some more money to build their home.

"Hail King under the Throne."

Kili shouted as the men neared us. The men fell down to their knees.

"We shall honor and respect him as our own leader."

The men replied with loud voices. I folded my hands behind my back.

"Come, let me hear your business."

I ordered as I puffed my chest out. The men stood up and took a few steps, so that they were close enough to talk in a normal voice.

"We are here to ask the King of more money to help pay for soldiers."

One of the men replied. I turned to Thorin who nodded his head.


I told them in a strict voice. The men stood there waiting for Thorin to say something.

"You want money to pay for your soldiers?"

Thorin asked after a few seconds of silence. He put his elbow on the arm of the throne. He rested his chin on it.

"Yes, sir. Of course, we will pay it back as soon as our town becomes rich through trading. The money you give us will go towards the soldiers and only them."

One the men told the King. I looked forward to the end of the throne room. I could see three dwarves on guard duty, they looked like ants.

"As long as the money is given back to me then I shall fund. How much do you need?"

Thorin asked. I turned to Thorin waiting for orders to go get Balin, our accountant.

"Only four hundred coins of gold, sir."

One of the men answered the questions. Thorin told me and flicked his hand at me. I put my hand on the tip of the sword. I began to walk down the narrow walkway. As soon as I was out of Thorin's view I ran down the great halls.

I entered the dusty room where Balin sat. He was writing some things down. He bit into a chicken wing.

"Balin, Thorin needs you. The men want money to pay their soldiers."

I said as I walked towards him. Balin nodded his head and then got up off of his stool. He sighed and cracked his back at the same time. I looked down at what he had working on.

"Are these the birth certificates of everyone?"

I asked as I looked at my name and Kili.

"I wanted to keep track of everyone who lived here. I hate the fact that we didn't keep record before."

Balin answered. He then picked up the ink and a paper. He looked at me.

"Shall we go?"

Balin asked me. I nodded my head and then followed him out.

We went up to the throne room where the men and king were sharing a good laugh.

"Oh goodness, I can't believe your wife did that."

Thorin said as he recollected himself. He brushed his chin and then turned to us. I went back to my original spot next to Thorin. I put my hands on my crown and fixed it a bit.

"They want four-hundred coins, I wanted to make sure we put that on record."

Thorin told Balin. Balin took out his pen and wrote that down on the paper.

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