Years Later

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-To anyone who reads this.

Everything is as good as it gets. Hanzo had joined overwatch, and I, Genji am now engaged with my soon to be wife, Angela. She's so happy where she is, and I want it to stay like this forever. Hanzo had forgiven himself and now is much happier, and I am guessing half of it because he has been making a lot of friends, including a guy named mccree, which he tells me a lot about. Half is how he is starting to kinda like this guy, and half because Jesse is making him want to leave overwatch because of all his pick-up lines and puns. Silly brother. Zenyatta is here as well, so we have weekly meditation sessions. Angela's friends Lucio and Hana are dating now, along with a few others who started dating. Lena is still one of my very good friends, and we have gotten closer since the incident with the sniper. Oh, and to clear up that little bit, let's just say Lena was on a mission, chronal accelerator was damagedby talons sniper, widowmaker, and was blinking out of time, me and Winston we the only one's to calm her down, and help her stay in our time. But mostly me, cause Winston was always working on fixing it, but when I want there Winston still helped her, because she can't leave the room without her blinks and recalls going mad. So we are close friends from that.

Everything's great, not including the little war going on. Angela's happy, Hanzo is still getting better, we all have great friends... I hope nothing changes.

But I know that it won't always be this good as it is now. But I like to not think about that. Fate has been good to us for now, and I'd like to keep it that way.

      -Genji Shimada

"Stay, Please..." Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz