匚卄丹ㄗ匕モ尺 8

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I wake up to the soft warmth of my blankets. I don't wanna get out of bed. 'cmon, people to help today, no resting.' I scolded my self as I got out of my bed. As I finished getting dressed I heard a soft knock. "Come in!" I said to the door as I cleaned up my room a bit. "Angela, I'm back." I looked back.

'oh thank goodness Genji...' I smiled to him, not letting my emotions come out.

"Welcome back! Did you do well on your mission?" I asked him, trying to make small talk. "Ahh, yes... I believe I did.." Genji said, faultering a bit. 'What was that?' I brushed off the thought and continued to talk to genji, also checking to see if he was hurt. "Angela, I think I'm fine." Genji said as I checked him. "I just want to check for myself." I said. "Alright.." We continued talking for a while after that. Then I was called back to work because some agents were returning from a mission, and I was the best doctor so I had to be there. "It was nice to chat with you genji, and, im really glad your back. Meet at the gardens tonight to talk some more?" I asked him praying he would say yes. "Sure! Sounds like fun, meet you there tonight." he said as he got up. "Great!" I smiled. 'Well time to go work now.'

Quick qeustion, who do you all main? For all are wondering I main Mercy, D.Va, Tracer and Zenyatta(sometimes.) Oh wow almost all girls, whoops 😂

Future me! I also main widow maker now ;3 Jk I suck crap at her but I have a legendary skin so I'm getting better at her ackkkkkkkkkkkk

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