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I wanted to delete this, but I probably shouldn't. Enjoy this trash.

Angela's POV
She was astounded. 'How is he still alive? He is basically a corpse!' He should be dead by now. The doctor thought as she worked hard to save this poor man. She had this one chance to test her theory. She could not blow it. She worked with many tools, hearing her co workers moving all the parts around.

Many hours later.

She wiped the sweat off her forehead. "He's doing okay, he should be able to go into surgery soon, so that should be good." Doctor Ziegler thought as she sat down at her desk in another room. 'I wonder who he is? Or why he almost got killed...' Angela was lost in her thoughts, and she did not notice how sleepy she was. After about 5 minutes of asking questions about the man to herself, Angela had fallen asleep on her desk.

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