匚卄丹ㄗ匕モ尺 10

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As I wrap up my things, I remember that I have to meet Genji in the gardens. 'better hurry, don't want to keep him waiting...'

"Sorry I am late!" I say walking up to him.

"It is okay, Angela. I understand. Your work is very hard anyways, so I'm not surprised your late." Genji said, walking up to her.

"So, do you like overwatch?" I asked him.

"Yes I do." Genji says very plain.

"The gardens here are always beautiful." I said looking around.

"They are very amazing." Genji agreed. As we talked, I couldn't help to feel as if Genji had something on his mind. I brushed the feeling off as fast as it came. 'This is a nice chat with him, don't be nosy.' I scolded myself. But, the thought never fully left my mind.

Skipping an hour cause I can :>

"Oh my! Really?" I said as Genji told me about a time when accidentally almost hit someone off a cliff. It was funny.

"Well angela, it is getting dark, ill talk to you later then?" I smiled.

"Of course!" As we went out separate ways, the thought came back to me. 'S by did he seem like something was wrong? Did we do anything? And what was with the plain answer when I asked him about overwatch?' then I realized, I'm hungry.

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