I let out a shaky breath of air, my feet leisurely stepping on the hard wood floor, going closer to the door. I placed the side of my head on the door, holding my uncontrollable breath, as I tried to listen beyond what was outside.

I could only hear the sound of distant footsteps. Where could they possibly be going? Searching for something to pick the door?
My eyes trailed the wall for the sound of the footsteps that sounded a lot clearer; like they were  on the other side of the wall. My eyes widened as my eyes locked on it. The bathroom door.
"Oh no." I whispered to myself, as I ran towards the slightly creaked open door, pushing all my force of my arms on the door, right as someone started pushing on the other side. I let out a shriek, my strength a lot weaker than the other person.

"Chris, come help me!" William shouted, continuing to push the door open. Chris' footsteps grew closer.
Their strength combined is stronger than mine.
I let out a quick breath of air, releasing my hands from the door and sprinting to the other one. My hands trembling, I slightly struggled to open the locked door. However, when I finally managed to open it quickly, I sprinted out the room, with the boys in hot pursuit.

I was trapped between the sofa, my head cocking to the side in failure. I lifted my hands up in defeat, "I surrender! I surrender." The boys grinned from ear to ear, feeling accomplished by their success.
I gradually rested my hands to the side of my hips, a puff of relief releasing from inside of me.
"Alright," I said, spinning around quickly to lazily drop my body on the firm sofa, "So what now?"
"Movie?" William suggested as he plopped down next to me, burying himself in a white duvet blanket.

I craned my neck, relieving uncomfortable muscles that had hurt

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I craned my neck, relieving uncomfortable muscles that had hurt. I yawned, extending my arms out to stretch. The tv screen illuminated the dim room with its light, displaying a movie we had turned on earlier that I had fallen asleep too.
My legs were entangled with Williams, his face squished against his arm as he slept peacefully on his side. It seemed I had hogged the blanket; his legs were only covered with the blanket. I frowned as I sat up, maneuvering the blanket so it was covering his bare chest as well.
"You seem quite comfortable there, sleepy head." Chris whispered, gesturing to my entangled feet. I rotated my head to the side, seeing a curled up Chris, his legs to his chest as he scrolled through apps on his phone. I sent him a playful glare, this position not quite as comfortable. He breathily chuckled, it so soft I could barely hear it from the distance between us.
"You sleep any?" I asked as I slowly untangled my legs from Williams, not wanting to wake him up from my brief movements.
"Nah." Chris flat-out stated, looking up from his bright phone screen to swiftly meet my groggy eyes and raised eyebrows.
"Then what were you doing," I teased, scratching my scalp as I guessed ironically, "Scrolling through Tinder?"
"Haha, very funny." He sarcastically applauded my joke. I grinned widely, fixating my pupils on the glowing television, watching the comedic movie unfold.

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