Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Harry flew high above the Scottish landscape. The sun was bright and high in the sky but at this altitude the air was briskly cool. With his wings spread wide he would catch the thermals rising from the dark, hilly landscape only to fold them back to plunge down and then pull out to skim along the treetops. As he began another leisurely climb to altitude he heard a familiar voice calling his name. 

"Harry. Harry!" 

The great head swung on its long, muscular neck looking for a slight redheaded figure on a broom but there was nothing nor no one to be seen, yet the voice persisted. 

"Harry, sweetheart, wake up," Ginny spoke softly but insistently. 

The blue, cloudless sky began to dissolve and was replaced by a pair of warm brown eyes and a smile every bit as bright as the sun had been in his dream. After blinking away the sleep he looked around and said, 

"Oh, good morning, love. I was having a great dream. I was flying somewhere up beyond Hogwarts on a beautiful sunny day." 

"I can imagine," she said, looking pointedly at the book lying in Harry's lap as he reclined on the big couch in the living room of the Burrow. "You told me that you were going to go right to sleep after I went upstairs last night. You still have your glasses on for goodness sake." 

"Sorry, love. I hit an interesting spot and couldn't stop. Guess I dozed off anyway." 

The book in question was titled, "The Flight of Dragons" written by a team of researchers over a hundred years ago and was suggested to Harry by Charlie Weasley. It was the morning of Christmas Eve and Harry and Ginny were at the Burrow for a combination holiday visit and recuperation. Harry had his knee surgery two days before and Mrs. Weasley insisted they stay for the entire holiday break. Harry had learned his lesson well and didn't even think to beg off. Kreacher was in residence to assist with the holiday cooking and Harry could already smell breakfast in the making. His stomach growled loudly. 

"Oh dear", Ginny giggled. "The beast awakens." 

"I guess even flying in my dreams burns up energy," he said with a slightly embarrassed smile. 

"How's the knee this morning?" 

"It's feeling pretty good, just a little sore. It was really quite amazing. I'm glad I stayed awake through the whole thing. Of course I couldn't see anything but I heard the discussion. It wasn't the worst they had ever dealt with, apparently, but still pretty buggered up, as the doctor would say," Harry said and then looked thoughtful. "You know, Gin, he said something interesting after they were done." 

"What was that, Harry?" 

"After seeing what was in there and the damage that was done, I mean really seeing it, he said he couldn't figure out how I was able to walk without crutches. He said it really shouldn't have been able to support any weight at all." 

"What did you tell him?" 

"I just said I come from a pretty tough family," Harry replied with a smile. "But it made me think. You know Oliver Wood told me he was unconscious for a week after getting hit in the head by a bludger in his first Quidditch match. You would have thought it would have cracked his skull. I've seen him and Angelina take some nasty falls during matches and my crashing through the railings that time. I should have had broken bones, not just bruises. I wonder is there something about witches and wizards that makes them physically tougher, more resistant to serious injuries?" 

"I don't know, sweetheart, but if there is I'm sure glad of it. Considering all the beatings you've taken, if we weren't I wouldn't have you here today," she said with a warm smile. 

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