The actual story...

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"Wonder what's going on in her head..." Jace started talking, it broke the silence. Clary had been in a coma for who knows how long, everything was stable.

"I so want to know, you know that Jace." Izzy said, eyes full of tears.

"The doctors don't know what's wrong with her... They are doing all the tests they can, everything is fine within her , but her brain activity is off. She is like living another life." Jocelyn entered the room. The information didn't affect anybody, they all knew it already.

"Jace...-" Clary started to mumble, everyone's heads turned as soon as they had heard it. Unfortunitely, she didn't wake up, she just mumbled a bit.

"Jace, please come outside with me." It was Simon who spoke. They had a thing to discuss about.

"Yeah... Coming." Jace answered and walked outside to where Simon was standing.

"It all started when we entered Pandemonium. There has to be some kind of substance that did this to her." Simon started and looked thoughtful. He was sure of the idea he had.

Jace sat down in a chair and started to talk, "That could explain everything, she literally collapsed right infront of me. She even mumbled that I had killed someone, Kaelie I think. I was talking to her and this happened."

"We need to find out what it was that did this to her, like NOW." Simon demanded and stood like a boss.

"Already on it." 

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