New life

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Clary lay on a bed that's in a room filled with art supplies. Everything in there was her style, down to the wall colors. She started to wake up to hear two male vioces.

"-but father, she has been like this for about a week already. She may not wake up." The first male voice said.

"I know her Jonathan, she will wake up." The other voice said with sureness.

Clary opened her eyes and saw the room she was in and where the two men were standing. They were standing by a door.

"Look, she opened her eyes. As I said I know her." One of them said.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Clary looked scared and didn't know what to say or do.

"I'm sorry Clarissa, I'm Valentine and that's Jonathan." Valentine said. His hair was a very light blonde, almost white and his eyes were very dark. Same as to Jonathan. They are related, one's the father -Valentine- and the other's the son -Jonathan-, Clary thought.

"You are home Clary, you are back with your family. Well, except for Jocelyn." Jonathan said, spitting Clarys mothers name like venom.

"What do you mean? I don't know you. You are not my family." Clary said, her voice shaking a little.

"Clarissa, we are your family. I'm your father and he is your brother. We are finally re-united." Valentine said with kindness. Suddenly the kindness turned to sadness. "Jocelyn has done a great job not letting you in our wold of demon hunting and downworlders. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do, but it is for the better." He continued.

"What? What are you going to do?" Clary didn't notice that Jonathan had moved to the side of her and injected her with some liquid. Clarys vision started to fade and suddenly she was falling into the darkness.


"How is she missing Jonathan!? That house was the safest place to be and she got swooped away by a demon!" Jocelyn yelled at Jace, she was furious and ready to break the whole institute down.

"Well it isn't the best place either! If you would've told her everything about the shadowworld and never lied to her we wouldn't be in this position! So don't blame me!" Jace yelled back at her and went over Alec to try and find her. Since they were parabatai they could track anyone down, but with limitations.

"For the thousanth time, we can't find her Jace! We need to contact Magnus. He is the High Warlock of Brooklyn." Alec reasoned with Jace and he agreed.


Every last memory that Clary had, was vanishing. She tried to reach them, but couldn't. It all was like a dream to her now... When Clary saw the bright white light, she went toward it and... awoke.

Clary was in a room. It was so familiar to her, but she couldn't put her finger on it. It was like she had been living here for all her life.

She got up from the bed she was laying in and went out of the room. There were stairs leading down one end of the hall and rooms at the other end. Of course she started to go down the stairs. Once she got down, she went to the kitchen and it all hit here.
This was her home, this was here she, her brother and her dad live. And like she got hit by a bus, memories started to come to her.

"Good morning Clare!" Her dad said with happiness in his voice.

"Good morning to you too dad." She replied and smiled.

"Eggs for breakfast?" Valentine asked Clary.

"Yeah... But don't we have anything else for breakfast some time? We need a change." She said very seriously.

"What about tomorrow we make pancakes?" Valentine asked, knowing what the answer is.

"Of course!" Clary said with a geniune smile on her face.

"We are making pancakes tomorrow?" Jonathan (Clarys brother) asked as he came in.

"You have to eavsedrop?" Clary rolled her eyes at him.

"Yes Clarebear. Yes I do." He tried to hold back a laugh.


"How the heck have we not found her yet!?" Jace was killing off some steam while killing some demons with Alec and Izzy.

He was just about to kill one, when unfortunately Alec let an arrow fly and claimed the kill for himself.

"How are we supposed to know that Jace!? It's not like we are just sitting around and just hoping that she will pop up!" Alec was more furious than ever at Jace. The only thing Jace does is killing demons and hunting down Clary.

"You guys stop arguing! It doesn't make things better you know! All you do is argue all day now! It's not our fault she's missing!" Isabelle joined in and tried to make everyone stop fighting.

"Easy for you to say! You were not in-" Jace cut off what he was abou to say, turned away and walked to the institute.

"I was not in what Jace? She was my best friend! You think I'm not hurting?" Isabelle yelled, tears in her eyes, but with no luck.

"Why did he cut off like that? What's wrong with him these days? It's not like we can bring Clary back, no matter how hard we try. She is nowhere to be found..." Alec eased up and was hugging her sister, trying to calm her down by stroking a hand on her back.

"I know, but I hope everything is well. She is so strong, but at the same time, she is not." She was no holding back tears anymore, she let them flow like the Niagra falls.


"Clarissa, I have some news for you." Valentine was sparring with Clary. She had to be trained, since she was a shadowhunter.

"What kind? Good? Bad? Both?" She was so happy that her father wanted to be apart of her life. Though she couldn't remember her mother at all, she hoped that one day she will meet her.

"It is how you take the news. I can't make the choice for you, darling." Valentine smiled a little and tried to knock Clary down, but with no luck. She was so fast and strong.

"Okay, tell me." Clary smiled a wide smile, she liked when her father couldn't get her off her legs.

"You are going to go to a school, in New York. A mundane school." Valentine said. Hoping that her daughter wouldn't flip out.

"Why? I can't go to mundane schools! All the runes I have on me would show!" Clary was actually kind of furious.

"Well... there is a special kind of rune, it will disguise your runes." Valentine added.

"Rune me up then! I'm actually kind of excited now!" When she heard about a new rune, her face lit up with excitment.

"Excellent! But I have some requests: please stay away from Jace Herondale, Isabelle and Alexander Lightwood and Simon Lewis. They are very bad. They will ruin you." Valentine said with conserne.

"Whatever you say, dad.." Why do I have to stay away from them? She thought.


"Guys!!!!" Simon yelled from the other end of the hall to get the attention of Alec, Jace and Izzy.

"What do you want!? We have already told you that you can't help us!" Jace yelled at him in frustration.

"Well... I think that we have found Clary.." Simon said with some concerne in his eyes.

"What!? How!?" Isabelle was the one who almost yelled now, Alec and Jace were just standing there, total unbelief in their eyes.

"A new kid is coming to our school, her name is Clarissa Fairchild. Sounds familiar?" Simon now had the upper hand.

"Well yeah... but..." Jace stopped speaking when the front doors of the school bust open and a small, redheaded girl walked in and stopped dead in her tracks.

Stay away from that group Clary! They are bad people! She reminded herself and walked to get her schedule.

Authors note

Sorry for not posting in so long. I didn't have the motivation 'cuz school is so depressing. Please leave feedback!

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