Thorin ~ Accidents 7

Start from the beginning

Thorin's face flushed.  "Well, good.  We'll be moving on soon."  He said gruffly before storming away.

Louisa huffed but remained silent.

She was left with the some of the dwarves as other went to look for the troll cave, Gandalf included, something she found very illogical.

When they returned, she couldn't help but note a couple of new weapons amongst them, but she was more focused in trying to convince Sirius to stay in a bag.

"We're still in danger, it's going to be safer."  She said calmly, the wolf whining at her.  "I know, but when we're okay, I'll let you out."

Her head snapped up, feeling something.  Gandalf must have felt it too because he suddenly pulled her to his side, making sure she was out of the way.

Turned out the 'threat' was another wizard.

Louisa liked Radagast.  His thoughts were chaotic but his emotions were focused, putting her at ease a little, letting her feel like she could breath just a bit easier.

Which made handling what came next a lot easier.

Louisa was very glad that the dwarves could deal with the wargs, but the sounds they made sent shivers down her spine, Sirius no longer complaining about being in the bag.  Radagast's offer to distract the orc pack were quickly welcomed, although not without hesitation, after all, it was no small feat to perform.

Running for their lives through mostly open fields wasn't Louisa's idea of a good plan though.

"Can I just say this is incredibly stupid."  She hissed to Gandalf, fighting to catch her breath as they behind some luckily large rocks.

"We are trying to reach safety, unfortunately there wasn't much other choice."  Gandalf said hurriedly before leading them on again.

Louisa cursed after the wizard but was quickly pushed on, Thorin behind her.

Running even harder after the orc was alerted to their presence, they quickly found themselves surrounded, Thorin, Fili and Dwalin standing in front of her, the other dwarves fanning out.

"Stay there Louisa," Fili said.  "You'll be safer."

"I bloody doubt it."  She growled, the air thick with tension and fear, a couple of the wargs charging in and being quickly taken down.

Her gaze locked onto the bow on Thorin's back, one he was neglecting to use in favour of his sword.

Without thinking, she hurried forward, grabbing the arrows first and holding them in her mouth before tugging the bow off, making Thorin turn.


But he didn't get a chance to ask, Louisa already loading the bow, pulling back the string with ease and firing, her shot true, an orc being shot from his warg.  He would have said it was folly except she did it again, looking completely natural as this time her arrow found the warg, and he would've kept staring had his attention not been dragged to the warg charging at them.

"This way you fools!"  Gandalf cried, getting some of their attention, leading them down into a hole amongst some rocks.

Louisa was too busy firing to pay attention and it wasn't until Thorin's hand wrapped around her arm that she even realised most of them had vanished.

"Hurry."  He said quickly, pulling her with him as he called back to Kili.

Thorin made sure she went down first, Kili right behind, before he was the last down.

Louisa was breathing hard, feeling the adrenaline dying as she gripped both the arrows and the bow tightly, eyeing the cave in front of them and not noticing some of the stares of the dwarves.  Even the horns above didn't dissuade her.  She knew that there was something down there.

"How can you use that?"

Thorin's voiced pulled her out of the trance like state.  "What?"

It was hard to tell whether Thorin was angry or not.  "The bow.  How can you use it?"

Louisa looked at the bow in her hand for a moment before shrugging.  "It felt natural."  She then pointed down the cave, ignoring the continued looks from the dwarves.  "Gandalf, what is down there?"

"You can feel it?"  Gandalf asked and she nods.  "Good.  You are getting stronger.  I suggest we follow it."

Louisa doesn't hesitate, but Thorin was quick to hurry after her, his hand tight on her shoulder as he made sure he went first, making her roll her eyes, even as Sirius gave a small whimper from her back.

As the cave opened up, Louisa stared in awe, Rivendell before them.

"Welcome to elven magic."  Gandalf said quietly to her.  "You can learn much here."

She could feel it, peace washing over her even as Gandalf moved away to argue, again, with Thorin.  She hoped, maybe, finally, she could some answers.

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